Physical Education Of Children Of Primary Preschool Age

Physical Education Of Children Of Primary Preschool Age
Physical Education Of Children Of Primary Preschool Age

Sports activities and hardening have a tremendous healing effect on the entire body of a child, laying a solid foundation for immunity. With the correct development of the child in early preschool age, the adaptive system of the body will become more stable.

Physical education of children of primary preschool age
Physical education of children of primary preschool age

Basic requirements for physical education:

1. The amount of physical exercise for the child is determined by the doctor depending on the health group and age. All classes are supervised by a children's nurse.

2. Classes are held daily.

3. Exercises are performed outdoors or in a warm, ventilated area.

4. The set of exercises changes from time to time, exercises gradually become more difficult.

5. It is forbidden to practice immediately before bedtime and after breakfast.


Morning exercises, massage, active games on the street and classes in sports clubs are integral parts of the physical development of children.

The massage is performed only by a masseur with medical education on a special table. The table is covered with a blanket or diaper. Each type of massage is done to children at a certain age.

Starting from three months with the child, it is necessary to do gymnastics, which includes light stroking and rubbing of the limbs. From four months on, passive movements are gradually replaced by more active ones, kneading and light tapping. The older the child becomes, the more active elements include activities.


For babies in the second year of life, active outdoor games are best suited.

Sports games are widely used after four years. It is necessary to finish playing sports with a calm, rhythmic walking.

One of the most important methods of strengthening a child's body is hardening. All hardening methods can be divided into: general and special.


Common are used all the time throughout a child's life and start at birth. These include:

• Air baths - sleeping and walking in parks or squares (not near the roadway).

• Rubdown - rub the exposed areas of the body with a damp towel at room temperature. Applied only for babies from 7 months.


• General douche - start only from two years old. Pouring over the child in a warm room from a jug or shower.

• Swimming in an open reservoir (river, lake) - you can start from the age of three, duration from two to ten minutes. The temperature of the reservoir is not lower than 22 degrees.

• Sunbathing - carried out with extreme caution! After a year, a child can only be tempered from 9 to 11 in the morning under the supervision of an adult, and best of all under the supervision of a nurse.

Special hardening methods are contraindicated for young children. It is very important to teach a child from an early age to play sports and monitor their health. Then the child will grow up to be a healthy, full-fledged person!
