Preschool children are very receptive. They like to learn new things, they want to learn what adults can, rather become older. And it is very important to develop this craving, to give the child the opportunity to fully develop in all directions.

Preschool education - main goals
The main directions of preschool education of a child are cultural, psychological, physical and social development. That is, the goal of upbringing before school is the development of the baby in all personal parameters. And it is not so important when a child, for example, learns letters - at four or five years old. The main thing is for him to develop an interest in new knowledge, skills and abilities.
It is these areas of child education that are priority in preschool educational institutions - kindergartens. The main task of educators and educators is general developmental education. It should ensure the full physical and psychological development of babies.
As well as the goals of preschool education, one can note the creation of mental comfort, without which the full psychological development of the child is impossible. And moral and patriotic education, which is designed to sow in the soul of a child love and respect for parents - first of all, then - for relatives and friends. These are the foundations that will subsequently allow the child to develop the ability to protect and appreciate the home, street, school, nature and all living things. These goals also lead to the tasks that teachers set themselves in the upbringing of a preschooler.
The main tasks in preschool education
There are several main tasks designed to ensure the full development and upbringing of a child under seven years old. This is the introduction of children to a healthy lifestyle, the development of a positive self-awareness of the baby, ensuring his emotional well-being, stimulating activity, curiosity, and striving for creative self-expression. It is also the development of competence in communicating with peers and adults, the identification and development of the child's abilities. These are common tasks that should be followed not only by kindergarten teachers, but also by the parents of the baby.
There are also more narrow tasks spelled out in the standard regulation on a preschool educational institution. These include: protecting life, strengthening the psychological and physical condition of the child, fostering respect for human rights and freedoms, correcting (if necessary) deficiencies in the physical and psychological development of children, interacting with families in order to provide advice or methodological assistance to parents.
A conscientious attitude to the implementation of these tasks on the part of kindergarten teachers and people around the child at home will provide the child with full psychological and physical development and prepare him for a more adult, school life.