Setting a goal and achieving it are two different things. Today there are many books and trainings on the methods of goal setting, but at the same time, the intended results are not always realized. It is important to assess the reality of the plan before proceeding with the implementation.

The division into real and unattainable goals is very arbitrary, there is no textbook in which it is spelled out what is possible to pass and what is not. But there are general principles that allow you to analyze the circumstances and make adjustments. If the desire is too great and its realization within a certain period of time is not possible, doubts will arise in its implementation.
Reasons for the inability to achieve the goal
There are circumstances that make realization impossible. They are very difficult to change, they usually have an external character. It could be age. At the age of 60, you should no longer dream of being the president of a country if you have not held major political posts before. It is also impossible to set world records in running or high jumping. It is difficult to get a new profession that requires a lot of attention. Physical capabilities, attention to detail, reaction speed change, and this is a pattern. Many goals are easy to achieve in 20-30 years, but then the probability drops.
Lack of resources makes the goal impossible. For example, you can dream of leading a large company, and this is a worthy goal, but implementation requires some experience, you need to go a long way to gain knowledge, learn how to manage. If this is not the case, then it is unlikely that you will be hired for such a position. Of course, you can create your own company and take the lead, but this will require significant financial savings, and even their presence does not guarantee that without knowledge you will be able to organize a profitable business.
Incorrect timing also makes the target questionable. Everyone can earn a billion rubles, but it will take different time. The owner of an international corporation will spend a couple of days or weeks on this, while an employee of the plant will make the dream come true for a lifetime. The magnitude of the goals always makes adjustments to the plan dates. The larger the idea, the more months it will take to implement it. If the goal is big, and the term is "tomorrow", you can immediately classify it as unrealizable.
Actions towards the goal
If the goal is drawn up correctly, if everything is taken into account, the availability of resources and the required time are accurately calculated, this does not guarantee that everything will turn out in the best way. After all, the result is possible only when the plan is fulfilled, only when the plan is strictly followed. If you don't make an effort, don't work on implementation, nothing will happen.
There are people who do not complete their affairs, they do not have perseverance and willpower. If the goal belongs to such a person, the likelihood of achieving it is minimal. Such people can work with short-term goals that are realized in less than a week, yet what takes more time cannot hold their attention. Their goals are just words that will not be created, and the efforts to achieve them will be insignificant.