When Should A Child Be Fed

When Should A Child Be Fed
When Should A Child Be Fed

Sometimes the child becomes restless, constantly cries, rarely urinates, suffers from constipation, or his feces become green, slimy. If you notice such signs, see your doctor immediately. Usually the cause is to be found in a lack of milk. In this case, the child must be fed.

Mixed and artificial feeding of the baby
Mixed and artificial feeding of the baby

It is best to feed with kefir. If you start doing this from the very first month, kefir should be diluted in the proportion: 1 part kefir to 1 part rice, oatmeal or flour broth. In addition, 1 teaspoon of sugar or 1 teaspoon of sugar syrup is added to 100 grams of diluted kefir (the syrup recipe is given at the end of the article). After a month and a half, this mixture can be prepared thicker by adding only 1 part of the broth to two parts of kefir.

Give kefir to the baby after breastfeeding. Start with a few spoons and gradually increase the portion until you reach an amount that will replace the missing breast milk by gram. Begin feeding with a spoon.

The baby should suck the milk in the breast to the end. If for some reason it still remains, strain it and spoon it and only then start feeding with kefir. If you work, leave expressed milk for your baby. Store it in a cool, clean place. Warm it up before giving it to your child.

Also store the broth with which you dilute kefir in a clean and cool place. The broth can be prepared in the morning for the whole day, however, the kefir is diluted just before feeding. When the child is 4 months old, you can give him kefir, undiluted, with 5 or 8% sugar.

With mixed feeding, you can continue to feed your baby after three hours. However, by increasing the amount of cow's milk in the diet or weaning the baby, extend the time between feeds to 3.5 hours, as cow's milk is digested more slowly. You can feed your baby at 6, 9.30, 13, 16.30, 20 and 23.30 hours.

When your baby is 5 months old, reduce the number of feeds to 5 after 4 hours - at 6, 10, 14, 18 and 22 hours. A child who is 4 months old can be given a 5% porridge made from toasted flour, vegetable puree and jelly, as is done with natural feeding. After the 10th month, you can switch to four meals a day, at an interval of 4 hours, and the child should receive 250 grams of food at one time.

The procedure for introducing new products is the same as for breastfeeding, with the difference that they can be introduced a month earlier. So, the yolk can be given to the child even before he is 5 months old, and the soaked rusk - after the sixth month. At the same time, for lunch, you can safely give him 30-50 grams of broth and 150 grams of vegetable puree. The transition to a common table begins after the 10th month.
