A prerequisite for sexual intercourse is the man's excitement. It arises as a consequence of the desire that originates in the brain. Until now, the mechanism of the emergence of desire and arousal has not been fully understood, it is only known that hormones play an important role in these processes. There are several ways you can tell if a guy is horny.

Step 1
An outward sign of a man's excitement is an increase in blood pressure. Of course, the tonometer in this case will not be useful to you. An increase in pressure will manifest itself in a rapid heartbeat, rapid and deep breathing. At the same time, the pupils become dilated, but the gaze seems to “glaze over”, becomes motionless. During these moments, many men have a coarser and deeper voice.
Step 2
The primary sign of arousal is an erection of the penis, in which its corpus cavernosum fills with blood, it increases in size - 6-7 cm in length and 2-3 cm in diameter. The blood filling him hardens the penis.
Step 3
But it should be borne in mind that an erection is not always a sign of arousal. Sometimes it occurs in the morning and is associated with an overflow of the bladder. In some cases, tight jeans, prolonged sitting, interfering with normal blood circulation can cause an erection. Therefore, an erection can indicate sexual desire only in combination with the signs that were listed above.
Step 4
A man has desire and, as a result, arousal arises from visual perception, so consider this factor if you want to always remain attractive to your partner or husband. To heighten your arousal, don't resist having your sex play in low light. Many women are shy about their fictional body flaws and prefer sex in the dark, but it is very important for men to see their partner during intercourse.
Step 5
Concentration and lack of words can be a sign of intense arousal. The man completely surrenders to pleasure, concentrating on visual and tactile sensations. Therefore, you should not be offended at his silence at these moments, but you do not need to restrain your emotions - the groans of pleasure that a woman publishes during intercourse can multiply the desire, of course, if they sound natural.