The heart line is one of the main lines in the palm, it can tell about the state of health, temperament, emotions of a person. This line goes first under the fingers, visually separating them from the rest of the palm.

Character traits
If you want to learn about a person's inner world, his feelings and emotions, pay attention to where the heart line on his leading hand begins and how it looks. A good, noticeable line indicates loyalty, devotion, dedication to its owner. By the length of the line, one can conclude about the style of this person's relationship with others. The longer the line, the easier it is for its owner to communicate with other people, a short thick line of the heart speaks of problems in the emotional sphere and closeness, unwillingness to let at least someone into his life.
An uneven line with numerous gaps means inconstancy in a relationship, if such a line is accompanied by the belt of Venus (an arched line connecting the middle and ring fingers), this may indicate that a person is, in principle, unable to have any serious relationship. If the heart line is crossed in numerous places by random non-main lines, this indicates a large number of love disappointments and failures.
Thin line-processes extending from the line of the heart indicate that a person does not know what he trusts in his life more - the mind or feelings. Such processes indicate that a person constantly doubts his heart's choice, cannot enjoy being in a relationship, because with his mind he understands that somewhere in the world there are better candidates.
Health information
If there are “islands” or “loops” on the line of the heart (they appear when the line bifurcates), this may indicate serious heart problems, in this case, you need to pay enough attention to the most important organ and undergo regular examinations.
Noticeable asterisks on the line of the heart, especially if they are in line breaks, can indicate a possible heart attack in the future, since they indicate an excess of infused blood. If the asterisks are on the whole line, they speak of strong emotional upheavals.
In very rare cases, the heart line may be completely absent in the palm of your hand. The owners of such rare palms are distinguished by an iron will, great ambitions, but rarely live long. Sometimes the lines of the heart and mind can merge in certain areas, this is also quite rare. Such a drawing speaks of the ability to reconcile the mind and heart and a high ability to empathize.