How To Tell Mom About A Deuce

How To Tell Mom About A Deuce
How To Tell Mom About A Deuce

“Two” is one of the lowest grades for school performance. Having received this mark, the student often begins to worry about how to tell his mother about this, since she is unlikely to be happy with such news.

How to tell mom about a deuce
How to tell mom about a deuce

Preparing for a conversation

Do not hide from your mother the "deuce" received at school. In the future, she will most likely find out about this anyway, but her anger will be much stronger. Remember, a bitter truth is better than a sweetened lie. Even if you don't report a bad grade right away, your mom will definitely see it in your class journal or diary, or a teacher who is worried about your progress will call her. That's why take the courage and try to tell your mom about the assessment the same day you received it.

Prepare to talk to your mom. You should try to endear her as much as possible before talking about the "deuce". To do this, after coming home from school, tidy up your room, or better, the whole apartment. Tidy up your desk, tuck your clothes neatly into the closet. It is better to refrain from computer games, TV and other entertainments for a while.

Start preparing your homework the next day. Try to do all the work before mom arrives. Pay special attention to the subject for which you received a bad grade. Work it out in such a way as to be ready for a response and an attempt to correct the "deu".

Talking to mom

Be polite and courteous to your mom as soon as she gets home from work. Give her some time to rest and collect her thoughts. Let her shower and have dinner. At the right moment, go up to your mom and tell her that the past school day was not entirely successful. Most likely, she will guess that you got a bad grade and ask about it. Make a guilty face and tell us on what subject and for what you were given a “two”.

Do not make excuses and try to transfer the blame to teachers or classmates. Acknowledge that you got an A because you did not prepare well for the lesson. Being truthful and admitting your own guilt will help mitigate your mom's potential anger. After that, say that you have already prepared the lessons for tomorrow and at the same time have studied well the subject in which the academic performance is "limping". If necessary, show your homework to your mom.

Apologize to your mom for ruining her mood. Promise to fix the deuce at the earliest opportunity. Most likely, the conflict will be settled. Continue to abstain from entertainment for the rest of the day, and the next day try your best to get good grades in this and other subjects.
