Cunning in most cases is perceived as something negative, not too worthy, associated with deception, insincerity. But there are situations when this word has the exact opposite meaning. For example, in family relationships. When they say about a married woman: “She is wise!”, It means that the wife knows how to reason sensibly, is able to make a reasonable compromise, concessions, creates a cozy, friendly atmosphere in the house. How can a wife become cunning and wise?

Step 1
First of all, decisively drive away doubts: they say, is it possible at all to resort to cunning in marital relations, is it worthy? There is nothing wrong with that. You don’t deceive your husband, moreover, you don’t cheat on him. You want the family to have a friendly atmosphere, mutual understanding, respect for each other. And in this matter, a lot depends on the woman. After all, it is no coincidence that different peoples of the world have proverbs such as: "An intelligent wife is a mistress for her husband", "A husband is a head, a wife is a neck."
Step 2
Remember: any man, including a delicate and weak-willed man, hates it when a woman tries to command him, especially categorically and categorically. You are not an army chief, and your house is not a barracks. Learn to get your way with feminine softness, as befits the weaker sex.
Step 3
Let's say you quite rightly think that your husband could help you around the house, instead of lying on the couch in front of the TV. After all, you came home from work too. In no case do not throw in an irritated tone: “Is it really so difficult to understand that I am tired? Come on, get up, help! " Phrase: "Darling, could you help me?" will be much more appropriate. And the husband will certainly gladly respond to your call.
Step 4
And if the husband and wife have different points of view, what should be done in this or that case? Even if you are absolutely sure that you are right (suppose you are better versed in this issue), you do not have to go ahead to the goal. Do you think the unforgettable Fox would receive cheese from the Crow if she resorted to screaming, threats, even tears? That's just it. Achieve your goal with smart cunning. Flatter your husband a little: "You are so smart, you probably know what is the best way to act!" And when he "softens", delicately and skillfully guide him to the right thought.
Step 5
There are a lot of ways. With a minimal desire and imagination, the wife will achieve her goal, and the husband will be sincerely sure that he himself wanted it. And everyone will be fine!