Why is a man at the beginning of a relationship romantic, shows gallantry, says compliments, and then, after a certain time, changes and behaves as if he has cooled or stopped loving? No matter how trite it may sound, it's all about male psychology, because, as you know, a man is a hunter by nature. Therefore, at first he makes every effort to make the woman "his", and then, when he has achieved this, his interest disappears. So, what can you do to revive his feelings for you?

What else is the difference between male psychology - his feelings for a woman directly depend on the interest that she arouses in him. For example, if a man is cheating, he does it not because he has fallen out of love, but because he is looking for new experiences. Thus, in order to get his feelings back, you need to make him interested in you, and then constantly or from time to time to maintain interest.
To intrigue a man at the very beginning of dating, a lot of effort is not required - enough female coquetry. But if you've been together long enough, there must be a different tactic.
What is of interest to a man? Something new, incomprehensible to him, that he wants to solve. That is why they say that a woman should be a mystery to a man. In fact, you don't need to pretend or play a puzzle to do this. For men, a woman is a mystery in itself, a mystery that he cannot fully understand. Femininity is what is in you by nature, what makes the most powerful man unarmed.
What is femininity? This is not only wisdom and gentleness, it is also understatement, reticence. You can live with a man for many years, but he will never fully figure you out. Therefore, the first rule to maintain interest in a man is not to open up completely to him. Let you (and he) have some kind of personal space.
Do not impose yourself on him in any way. Your communication, opinion, feelings. Men do not like when something is imposed on them, they need to take the initiative. Give him the opportunity to manifest it - for you. If you need male help in something, take your time to show that you can handle everything. Encourage his every action when he cares about you (open the door in front of you, carry bags from the store, meet you after work, etc.). He will act like a gentleman if you act like a lady.
There is no need to think that a man should do something - love, care, not change, etc. Your task is not to force him to do something, but to make him want to do it himself. To make it pleasant for him to take care of you. Another common mistake is reproaches. Reproaches from a man can not achieve anything, you can only cause mutual irritation or a quarrel.
At the same time, you should not think that you should adapt to him in everything and please. Also, don't get hung up on your relationship. Be interested in something new, get new experiences, communicate with different people, be self-sufficient.
A man can lose interest in a woman when he thinks she is completely conquered. You need to shake this confidence. Let him see that other men like you too. You can flirt a little to make sure of this (as long as you don't overdo it).
If all is unsuccessful, you can simply part with the man for a while. Of course, there is a risk that he will leave for good. If this works out, you can then find another person who will truly love you. If your man wants to return you, then when he sorts out his feelings. In this case, he will understand that he needs you, will take care of you and will not want to lose again.