How To Find Out The Sex Of The Child By Blood Renewal

How To Find Out The Sex Of The Child By Blood Renewal
How To Find Out The Sex Of The Child By Blood Renewal

When planning pregnancy, modern couples often resort to various methods of determining the sex of the unborn baby. One of them is a predictive method for blood renewal.

How to find out the sex of the child by blood renewal
How to find out the sex of the child by blood renewal

This method is based on the theory that the blood in the human body has the property of renewal. The full cycle of this process for a man is 4 years, for a woman - 3. Of course, these are rather relative numbers, and this can happen much faster, especially if various events occur in a person's life associated with blood loss, for example:

- her transfusion;

- donating blood for donation purposes;

- with a sharp and fairly abundant blood loss due to operations, injuries, abortion.

These factors are critical in the calculations. If you do not take them into account, you will no longer be able to find out the exact sex of the child by blood.

Rules for calculating the sex of the child

This theory has very simple calculations. In order to find out the sex of the child by blood renewal, you need to divide the exact age of the parents by the number of years for which the blood is able to completely renew. That is, we divide the age of a man by 4, a woman - by 3. If one of the parents not so long ago had circumstances accompanied by a large loss of blood, it is necessary to start from this moment and consider it the last date of renewal.

According to the theory, the sex of the child will correspond to the one whose parental blood was "younger" at the time of conception. For example, if the father's blood was renewed 2 years ago, and the mother's blood was 3, then a boy will be born.

In cases where the blood of the father and mother was renewed at a very close time to each other, the likelihood of conceiving twins or twins increases significantly.

Is the theory correct

Until now, no one has 100% proved whether it is possible to find out the sex of the future baby by renewing the blood. Many couples surveyed argue that the theory really helped them predict and plan for the sex of the baby. But general statistics claim that the theory is correct only in 50-60% of cases, so it has remained unsupported by scientific conclusions.

Its main disadvantage is that the exact timing of blood renewal is quite difficult to calculate, and sometimes we simply do not remember important life moments that should be taken into account in theory. Hence, incorrect calculations and incorrect results.

In addition, each organism is very individual, all processes occur in it with different frequency and speed. For some they are faster, for others it will take much longer. The established timing of blood renewal in men and women is too conditional, so the accuracy of the theory is a rather controversial factor.
