Baptism is one of the greatest sacraments and events in a person's life, so you need to carefully prepare for it. Every detail is important, the choice of the godfather and mother, a pectoral cross, clothes and, of course, you need to choose a name for the child. The latter is especially important, since this name will remain for life.

Step 1
The easiest way is not to invent anything additional at all, but to record the child during baptism with the name you gave him at birth. If you chose an ordinary worldly name for your baby with love, you like the way it sounds and it seems suitable for the personality and character of the child, then such a name is quite suitable for baptism. This is the most common option, it helps to avoid many problems and inconsistencies in the future.
Step 2
However, if you named your child with a name that is not in the Orthodox calendar, or believe that through the name of your baby they can be jinxed, choose another name by which he will be known in the church. In this situation, there is nothing terrible, some even believe that the secret name serves as a talisman for a person, but in the future it will be necessary to take into account that during prayer and communion, you need to be called as they were named at baptism, and not as written in the passport. A misunderstanding can arise during a wedding, if the future spouse and guests are not privy to such a difference in names.
Step 3
As for the name itself for baptism, you can simply choose an option that is consonant with the name in the passport. For example, Diana in the world may well become Daria at baptism. There is also an ancient tradition to name a child after a saint. This is a very good tradition, it provides the child with the protection of the saint, after whom he was named. It is also recommended to look at the calendar of church names and focus on one of those that fall on a birthday or baptism.
Step 4
In any case, try to proceed not only from whether you like a particular name or not, but find out what it means, how it affects the fate and character of a person. Remember that, unlike a worldly name, the name chosen for baptism cannot be changed later, it will remain with your child until the end of life, therefore it is so important not to make a mistake in the choice from the very beginning.