When The Baby Begins To Roll Over Onto Its Stomach

When The Baby Begins To Roll Over Onto Its Stomach
When The Baby Begins To Roll Over Onto Its Stomach

Any movement for kids is a way of learning a new world around them. The motor skills of babies are monitored by doctors and parents, because they must meet accepted standards. When the child begins to roll over from his back to his stomach, his muscles are strengthened in preparation for the development of further sitting and crawling skills.

When the baby starts to roll over
When the baby starts to roll over

How many months do babies start to roll over?

Each child develops individually, so there are no clear rules regarding when a child begins to roll over from back to stomach. Usually, babies learn to roll over between 3 and 5 months of age. It is worth noting that heavily built babies tend to roll over later than slender, nimble babies. When the process of turning from back to tummy is fully mastered by the child, he begins to master the next skill - he makes the first attempts to sit down.

How to help your child learn to roll over

Pediatricians advise parents to place their child on their stomach more often, as this helps to strengthen the muscles and helps the child to quickly master the skill of rolling over. The exercise "bicycle" is very useful for babies, in which mom or dad gently take the child by the legs and make movements similar to those we perform when pedaling.

Many mothers teach babies to take turns by placing a bright, attention-grabbing toy on their side. Trying to reach her, children make active attempts to roll over.

When the baby makes the first attempts to roll over on his own, it is worth protecting him as much as possible in order to avoid injury. In no case should you throw pillows around the baby, as he can simply suffocate, being left without the attention of adults.

If, at the age of 6 months, the child has not yet mastered the rollover, it should be shown to a specialist. Usually, babies who cannot learn how to perform coups on their own are prescribed special massage and gymnastics.
