A little "boy", a rude gigolo, a serious man in a young body - the image that you choose to seduce an older woman depends only on you. But, no matter in what hypostasis you appear before the lady of the heart, it is very important not to "replay" and keep your zest.

Why mature women are attractive to young guys
If you like older women and you feel the need for the strong-willed and gentle hand of an experienced "mom", you probably have more than once come up with the idea of seducing such an adult lady. You can be attracted to her by anything: her experience, mental maturity, responsibility, character, facial contours and body shapes. Do not be afraid of this if your interest in an adult woman is stronger than your craving for young girls. For you, after all, she is charming and attractive, you play the most daring stories with her in your mind, so why not try to seduce her?
Unlike young girls, whose life experiences are usually very limited, older women tend to know what they want. They know what makes them attractive, what men pay attention to, what to wear and how to present themselves. This is good because you are much less likely to have to listen to her naive experiences on the topic: "Nobody understands me" or "I don't know what to wear." In addition, it is generally more pleasant and more interesting to communicate with such a lady than with a capricious young beauty with an unformed outlook on life.
Sexual attraction in mature women is usually higher than in their twenties. If they liked a man, they can easily approach him and start provoking him with gestures, intonations, and posture. Therefore, if you are experiencing a strong attraction to some person, perhaps this is partly due to her.
How to seduce an experienced lady
The first thing to do in order to seduce any woman you like is to approach her and get to know her. If you quietly stand on the sidelines and just watch her, without even trying to show minimal activity, your fantasies will remain fantasies. Therefore, pull yourself together and act boldly.
To seduce a woman, make her feel special, desired, show interest in her. Show her that you like her and you feel sexually attracted to her, and then, if it's mutual, you may not even have to make a lot of effort: she will do the rest herself.
What problems can await you in a relationship with an accomplished woman
A woman in years usually has her own habits and outlook on life. To this are also attached: a well-established circle of friends, friends, relatives, possibly children, husbands and lovers, problems at work … Besides you, she, as a rule, has many more things to do. And in you, she can see an eternal "boy" who needs to be brought up all the time, to take care of, to teach everything, but who pampers her with his attention and satisfies her sexual hunger. In addition, you should prepare for unexpected, sometimes unpleasant reactions to your relationship from other people. Are you ready for such challenges?