You decided to part with your husband, because you no longer love him and do not want to continue to put up with his constant drinking and partying, rudeness and rudeness. You announced your decision to him, but he does not want to change anything and does not leave. The most radical way out of this situation is to expel the husband. We will show you how best to do this.

Step 1
Announce to your husband about the impossibility of your further life together and your decision to part with him and explain the need for him to leave the apartment (if it belongs, of course, to you).
Step 2
Stop caring for your husband: do not cook or feed him, do not wash or iron. Let him do everything himself, maybe he will soon get bored with dirty shirts and convenience stores.
Step 3
Do him all sorts of small nasty things: do not give him a blanket at night, throw away his cigarettes (if he smokes), do not allow him to bring friends. Do not let us watch TV or switch TV from his favorite, for example, a sports channel, to some other (it is better if it is a female channel).
Step 4
Talk in the presence of your husband on the phone mysteriously, with innuendo, even if it is your girlfriend. Let him think you are talking to a man. When you leave home, make your husband think you are going on a date.
Step 5
Behave with your husband so that he feels guilty of himself and only himself in all family problems.
Step 6
And, of course, deny your husband intimacy.
Step 7
Nothing helps? Are you all ready for the determination to expel your husband? Collect his things and put them on the site (just notify your husband or his friends about this). Change locks and leave. Or even go to rest.
Step 8
Before proceeding with our recommendations, think about whether you really want to break up with your husband? Analyze the situation, will you regret later that you kicked him out? Are you sure it would be better this way? If there is no other way out, act confidently and decisively drive out your hated husband.