A guest in the house has always been considered a good omen, bringing happiness and prosperity. Unfortunately, not all guests are equally welcome and pleasant to the hosts. Sometimes a situation may arise when you have to expel a former spouse or acquaintance of a person who is abusing your hospitality.

Step 1
Some couples continue to live together after divorce. In the event that the apartment is privatized in your name and was purchased before marriage, it will not be difficult to expel the person who is your ex-husband. Submit a statement of claim to the court, attach a certificate of your ownership of the apartment and a certificate of divorce to it. The court decision will be in your favor, you just have to present it to your ex-spouse.
Step 2
Even if the person does not want to leave, even after the court has ruled to evict, they will have to apply measures of influence. Wait until he leaves the apartment on his business, and change the lock. Collect his things in a suitcase and put them out the door. If an unwanted guest tries to enter the apartment, call the police. Show police your divorce certificate and court order to evict. Prepare a statement to the police that your ex-spouse does not comply with your court order. As a rule, this measure is effective.
Step 3
For polite and delicate people, it seems impossible to drive out an annoying acquaintance who may appear in the house without an invitation. Understand that this is disrespectful to the hosts who are forced to change their plans and entertain the guest. In this case, act firmly and decisively - if the person himself does not understand such elementary things, you will have to explain to him the inadmissibility of such behavior. Say directly that you are forced to ask him to leave your house, because you are not inclined to accept him, you may not even make excuses and not refer to employment.
Step 4
You can kick out a person who is persistently trying to call you into a conversation, as members of some religious sects do, ringing at the front doors of apartments, without any hesitation. When you open the door and see such a delegation, just say, "Thank you, and goodbye!", Close the door. This will not offend anyone and will save your time by avoiding boring conversations and religious appeals.