To put an end to a relationship, you need to have determination. However, some girls either feel really sorry for their ex-boyfriends, or they just enjoy being someone else's purpose in life, or they lack courage.

Step 1
If your ex-boyfriend's repeated courtship doesn't bother your blood as much as it used to, find a way to tell him so. In no case do not keep him in the dark and do not torment him by saying "no" and at the same time giving hope with a seductive look or a smile. Refuse this, even if you really want to be carried in your arms by an unloved man. Put yourself in his place and imagine all the humiliation of the situation.
Step 2
In your refusal, be adamant, but do not turn your nose up. Make an appointment in a quiet place (preferably outside your and his home) and politely but clearly explain the reason for the refusal. This will be much easier if you already have a soul mate by now. Tell your ex-boyfriend or husband that you respect your feelings and are grateful for those warm moments that you had before, but now your heart is occupied by another person. And, as you know, you cannot order your heart.
Step 3
If you don't have anyone, and you want to take some time off from the relationship, tell your guy directly about it, since this also applies to him. Ask him not to bother you with endless calls, otherwise you will have to add his number to the "black list" and delete all virtual methods of communication with him. It would not be superfluous to add that you want to devote this time to your career growth, so you will be busy working on a new project, etc.
Step 4
There is a widespread phrase “let's stay friends”, which is equally disliked by both ex-men and ex-girlfriend. Just imagine what it would be like to see your beloved and communicate as before, only without any chance of mutual love. The consequences of such meetings can be very different: from the beginning of "old new" relationships to insults and hatred. If you are not completely sure if you want to break up with your ex, it is better to offer a delay of 2-3 months so as not to be mistaken in feelings. And then - either start over, or part forever.