Alcoholism is a terrible tragedy for a huge number of Russian families. If your spouse is prone to hard drinking, then you need to urgently take matters into your own hands, otherwise the consequences may be, to put it mildly, deplorable. Coding helps very rarely, many women code their husbands 5 times, but nothing good comes out of this - the head of the family did not even think about giving up the bottle. So you have to save your husband at home on your own.

Step 1
So, the main obstacle to getting out of the binge is often the unwillingness of the husband himself. Therefore, by hook or by crook, try to convince him that he and the whole family really need it and start home detoxification, the recipe for which is extremely simple: drink-sleep-write.
Step 2
The husband should not be given alcohol to drink. Forget about a life-giving bottle of beer in the morning, but you will need to stock up on Rehydron and Enterodez solutions at the pharmacy. Let him drink them as much as he can, but not less than 3-4 liters per day.
Step 3
To overcome the craving for an alcoholic husband, you need to ensure a constant sound and restful sleep, so stock up on sleeping pills, at least Phenazepan, and give the patient 2-3 times a day.
Step 4
Take diuretics regularly. The best option is herbal diuretics, for example, rosehip decoction. But if there is none, then you can give a pill of Furosemide or Hypothiazide. If the urinary system can throw a surprise, then it is better to take diuretics after waking up.
Step 5
Be sure to isolate your husband from drinking companions, and if necessary, control telephone conversations.
Step 6
Don't leave your husband alone. If he wants to take a walk, then go with him, otherwise all your efforts will go down the drain. Remember that alcohol is a terrible drug!
Step 7
Do not feel sorry for your husband or show it to him. Do not indulge him in anything, because there is a high probability that he will persuade you to drink light alcoholic drinks, so that he supposedly feels better. Remember that this will only make matters worse. Control yourself.
Step 8
But do not scold your husband too much. If possible, fulfill his desires and requests not related to alcohol.
If suddenly the cycle of treatment did not lead to the desired results, then repeat it again. No one has yet died from sound sleep and cleansing the body, but many have escaped from binge drinking.