It is best to take care in advance that the beloved man does not cheat, than to worry and rake the consequences later. Of course, not every representative of the strong half of humanity is drawn "to the left", but it is better to be on the safe side.

Step 1
Do not provoke treason. Try to avoid situations when a friend or relative who has nowhere to stay has been living with you in the apartment for quite a long time. Otherwise, your husband will be tempted to cheat on you, even if he hadn't even thought about it before.
Step 2
Do not interfere with your husband's hobbies. If his hobby is fishing, sports, skiing or something else, then in no case do not meddle in this area of his life. You can take an active part in his hobbies, share them at least as a spectator. But do not interfere with these activities.
Step 3
Ask your husband to wear the wedding ring and not take it off. Many women are not happy with a married man as a candidate for partners.
Step 4
Visit your husband at work at least once every three months. If possible, you can meet his colleagues or go to a corporate party, if it is customary to invite wives in the organization where your man works.
Step 5
Don't forget about yourself. Take care of your life, pay more attention to yourself. Attend dance classes, practice foreign languages, develop, do yoga. Then your man will not be bored with you.
Step 6
Create a welcoming environment at home. A man will go there with great desire if he knows that a calm atmosphere, a caring, benevolent wife, and a hot dinner await him at home. If there are constant scandals at home, a nervous situation and negativity, the man will want to run away from home, go somewhere to a quieter place.
Step 7
Communicate with a man and understand him. It is necessary to make communication so that you and your husband can talk on any topic and at the same time it should be interesting for both of you.
Step 8
Don't forget about sex. For a man, he is a very important part of life. If he is absent for months, then willy-nilly, the husband will start looking at other women, even if he is a convinced family man.
Step 9
Diversify your intimate relationship with your husband. Men need something new all the time. Try new poses that you have not practiced before, there are a great many of them - you will definitely find something that will appeal to both of you.
Step 10
Imagine. The lover's fantasies can be embodied in love games. If they seem completely absurd to you, do not rush to refuse, otherwise you will offend your husband, push him away from you, and this will be one of the steps on the path to treason. Instead, try to find a compromise where you can have fun together.