How To Find Out The Gender Of A Child In Advance

How To Find Out The Gender Of A Child In Advance
How To Find Out The Gender Of A Child In Advance

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During pregnancy, many parents-to-be think about who will be born to them - a boy or a girl. Some want to know the sex of the child in advance out of simple curiosity and impatience, others - to choose the color in which they decorate the nursery and the dowry for the baby, the third is necessary for medical reasons. There are quite a few ways to determine gender before the birth of a child, but not all of them guarantee reliability.

How to find out the gender of a child in advance
How to find out the gender of a child in advance


Step 1

Folk omens say that if a pregnant woman is drawn to salty food, she has a sharp stomach, there is no toxicosis, she has become prettier, then a boy will certainly be born. Accordingly, a preference for sweet dishes, a round belly, severe toxicosis and a bloated nose indicate that there will be a girl. These hypotheses have no scientific basis, and if any of them are confirmed, then they should be considered as a mere coincidence.

Step 2

There are also a lot of different pseudo-scientific methods for determining the sex of the unborn child: according to the blood group and Rh factor of the parents, blood renewal, date of conception, etc. Perhaps they have a certain amount of truth and scientific validity, but they do not give one hundred percent guarantee, since in most cases they are also coincidences.

Step 3

For example, to determine gender by date of conception, you need to know exactly when ovulation occurred and compare it with the date of intercourse. If intercourse was a few days before ovulation, a girl is likely to be born, if on the eve or on the day of ovulation, a boy. The fact is that the sex of the embryo depends on which chromosome set contains the sperm that has penetrated into the egg: XY - boy, XX - girl. XY chromosomes reach the goal faster, and XX chromosomes are more tenacious, so even sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation does not guarantee the birth of a son, although it increases its likelihood.

Step 4

Type in any search engine the query: "find out the sex of the child", and you will receive many links to sites where you can do this online, by answering a few questions. In fact, the tests that you will be asked to pass are a combination of folk and pseudo-scientific methods, with the difference that you will get the result only by paying for the service via SMS.

Step 5

Among the medical techniques for determining the sex of the unborn child are chorionic biopsy and amniocentesis. Chorionic biopsy - extraction of cells from which the future placenta is formed. It is performed at 6-10 weeks of gestation. Amniocentesis is a study of the amniotic fluid and the fetal cells in it at 16-24 weeks. But these procedures are carried out strictly for diagnostic purposes and for medical reasons, since they can harm the developing fetus and even lead to termination of pregnancy.

Step 6

The most reliable and safe way for the expectant mother and child to determine the sex is ultrasound - ultrasound. An experienced doctor can tell you who you are expecting as early as 12 weeks of gestation, but it is more likely to be known at 23-25 weeks. In addition, if the medical center has a 3D diagnostic device in the arsenal, you can examine your unborn child and his sexual characteristics yourself.

Step 7

If you are being monitored for pregnancy in a district antenatal clinic and have a policy of compulsory medical insurance, then you have the right to undergo an ultrasound scan for free 3 times, as well as in case of special need, as prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, the study is carried out according to a specific plan for each trimester of pregnancy, but if you have not received answers to all your questions about your unborn child, contact any paid clinic that provides ultrasound diagnostics services.

Step 8

Noteworthy is the way to find out the gender of the future baby by heart rate (HR). In girls, the heart beats more often than 140 beats per minute, in boys - less often. Your doctor may use a stethoscope or fetal Doppler to assess your heartbeat, so ask your doctor to give you the readings on a regular basis.

Step 9

In addition, a novelty has recently appeared - a test for determining the sex of a child at home after the 8th week of intrauterine development. Its principle is based on the interaction of reagents with the urine of a pregnant woman, while the accuracy of the results is about 90%. The cost of such a test is quite high, but if you are determined to purchase it, order from an authorized distributor so as not to overpay to intermediaries.
