How To Increase Hemoglobin During Pregnancy

How To Increase Hemoglobin During Pregnancy
How To Increase Hemoglobin During Pregnancy

Decreased hemoglobin levels are common during pregnancy. This phenomenon is also called iron deficiency anemia. It is considered a frivolous pathology, therefore, little value is given to its treatment. Meanwhile, it is necessary to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy
How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

To understand why it is important to maintain normal hemoglobin levels, you should know what consequences iron deficiency anemia can cause:

  • premature birth;
  • thinning and deterioration of blood clotting (leads to increased bleeding during childbirth and the postpartum period);
  • chest pain, lack of oxygen, signs of heart muscle dystrophy;
  • decreased contractility of the uterus (risk of prolonged labor);
  • delayed development of the fetus.

These are just the main, most obvious threats associated with anemia. That is why it is important to increase the hemoglobin level during pregnancy at least to the lower limit of the permissible norm.

Causes of decreased hemoglobin

There are several factors that lead to a decrease in hemoglobin. These include a lack of iron in the body and frequent toxicosis.

However, a decrease in hemoglobin during pregnancy is a natural process. At 25-30 weeks in the body, the volume of blood circulation increases 1.5 times. Because of this, the level of red blood cells increases by a third, while the amount of hemoglobin decreases to 110 g / l. This mark is characterized by physiological anemia. It is not as dangerous as iron deficiency and requires only increased attention.

How to increase hemoglobin levels in pregnant women

To increase hemoglobin in the blood to the required rate, you need to know the severity of the anemia. There are three stages:

  • light (90-110 g / l);
  • medium (70-90 g / l);
  • heavy (70 g / l and less).

The easiest way to raise hemoglobin in the blood is to change the diet. It is necessary to add to the diet mushrooms, wheat bran, cocoa, seaweed, buckwheat, legumes, raspberries, beets, apples, carrots, bananas and other foods, the iron content of which is quite high.

It is also advisable to see a doctor. The specialist will examine the fetus. Treatment may be prescribed depending on the results. Among other things, it may include the administration of medications containing iron.

There are also many recipes that can help increase your red blood cell count. For example, you can mix equal amounts of dried apricots, walnuts, honey, and raisins. They need to be passed through a meat grinder and brought to a homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture is taken several tablespoons a day.
