Calm Child - Dream Or Reality

Calm Child - Dream Or Reality
Calm Child - Dream Or Reality

Finally it happened - you have a baby. Little happiness is in your hands. It is difficult to restrain emotions, feelings seem to be torn out of the chest outward - you want to cry and laugh at the same time. But a baby, having got out of a cozy mother's tummy into a huge, unfamiliar world, experiences a real shock in the first minutes of his life. He is scared, he wants to go back to his mother in the tummy, where it is so warm, calm and comfortable.

Calm child - dream or reality?
Calm child - dream or reality?

At this time, the baby should feel your support and care. Try to gently squeeze him to you more often, swing him in your arms and lean against your chest so that the baby can feel the pounding of the heart to which he is so used to in that other world.

Having started life, the child will be connected to you like an invisible thread - to sensitively adopt your mood, to feel when you are not around. Every such moment will disturb the little man. Therefore, try to be affectionate, not to break down, even if you are very tired or hard, you should be together all the time.

Being in the tummy, the baby was as if in a cradle. I fell asleep under my mother's steps and reacted to the gentle touches of my beloved hands. Having been born, the baby will really miss this comfort. The huge space around can be very intimidating - especially on the street. Therefore, it is better to walk with your child in a stroller - this way you visually narrow the space around the baby at least a little. And if he is still worried, just shake him a little.

Scientists have proven that while still in the mother's belly, the child hears and understands everything. Pregnant women are strongly encouraged to interact with their baby as often as possible. Getting used to the voice of the mother from the first months of birth, in the future the child can distinguish it among hundreds of voices of other women. Singing lullabies, reading fairy tales, and just talking with the baby, you will constantly remind yourself that you are here, next to your miracle. And of course, every moment when you are together, tell him how much you need him.

The intonation and feelings that will be hidden in these words, the child will accept on a subconscious level and fully feel your attitude towards him. And in general, do not be afraid to show your love - hug, kiss, play with your fingers, stroke your skin. And discard the prevailing misconception that this is how children play around. You can't spoil a child with love, but excessive severity can put an invisible wall between you, and the child will feel unnecessary and unhappy.

And don't forget about games. The kid must develop in a timely manner, especially since at first he will be more interested in the objects of which his world now consists. He still does not know how to hold his head, rise and turn over, but willingly reaches out with his arms to something bright, beautiful, making various sounds.

Stuffed toys are not very useful (they can cause allergies from dust on the villi), as are hard toys (he can get hurt about them). Keep your baby busy with supervised colorful ribbons, rattles and rubber toys.
