According to statistics, every tenth woman who gives birth experiences postpartum depression. If you do not start to fight this disease in time, it can develop into postpartum psychosis, the cure of which will require medical attention.

There are several causes of postpartum depression. With the advent of a child in the family, the lifestyle of a young mother changes dramatically. Now she spends all the time with the baby, while trying to have time to do household chores. Hence the constant fatigue, irritability, lack of sleep.
The woman has practically no time for herself. Always at home, with her hair carelessly pulled back, she doesn't even want to look in the mirror. Changes in the figure after the birth of a son or daughter look like another blow to female attractiveness. Because of this, the mother begins to feel ugly, unwanted, and this, in turn, leads to depression and dejection.
Doctors say that almost all women who become mothers suffer from postpartum depression in a mild or more severe form. But for some, this condition disappears in a few days, while for others it can last for months. In this case, it is worth taking measures in order to say goodbye to pessimism and self-pity.
Remember not to neglect sleep. A woman on maternity leave is responsible for the order in the apartment, for the preparation of lunches and dinners. Therefore, when the baby falls asleep during the day, mom tries to do as many chores as possible. Don't push yourself. It is better to lie down next to the baby and sleep at least half an hour, and leave household chores for later.
If you absolutely do not have enough time for cooking, washing and cleaning, ask your relatives, husband or girlfriends for help. They can sit with your child while you are busy cleaning up.
It's hard to look attractive when all your energy is spent on your little one. But don't forget about women's joys. At least once a week, choose time to go to the store or beauty salon. New clothes, a beautiful manicure or a massage session will not only cheer you up, but also boost your self-esteem.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to get back in good shape after giving birth, so fitness classes for a young mother will not harm. Feel free to ask your grandmothers or other loved ones for help. For them, spending time with a child is a joy. And while they enjoy the company of the baby, you can safely attend training.
It also happens that only mom is involved in upbringing, and there is nowhere to wait for help. Then video tutorials are suitable for you to stay in good shape. For a short time of exercise, the child can be placed in a playpen or crib and entertained with some toys. Plus, kids love to watch adults do. Therefore, a son or daughter may like to watch how interestingly the mother moves to the music.
Leave a small amount of time each day for your favorite activities. Read a book or listen to music, take an aromatic bath. Of course, a husband who is tired at work also wants to rest. But after all, he did not see his child all day, and being with him for a while is not hard work, but joy.
Constant worries about your baby's health will not benefit you or him. Modern mothers, when the slightest symptoms of malaise appear, begin searching on the Internet to determine the disease and how to treat it. Anxiety, anxiety, and discouragement will only push you into depression faster. Therefore, it is worthwhile to calm down, not to wind yourself up, but to consult a pediatrician.
It so happens that there is no one with whom to discuss all the issues concerning your child. Register on special forums dedicated to motherhood. There you will not only find many answers, but also receive moral support.
Think about how happy it is to be a mom every day. You have been waiting for this for so long, so you wanted a little miracle. Understand that only the first time the difficulties seem insurmountable. Love yourself, enjoy the joy of motherhood. There is still so much ahead: the first laugh, the first words, the first steps. Stop giving in to depression and look at the world with a joyful eye.