Until the eighties, no one thought that children could be sick with such a disease as depression, and many parents understood mood swings as a completely normal phenomenon associated with the development, maturation and growth of a child. In fact, in some cases, the matter is just the same in depression, which must be cured already at the stage of its manifestation.

Alarms should be sounded even when the child's sadness, loss of hope or helplessness becomes noticeable. If you cannot cope with depression on your own, do not be ashamed and do not be lazy to see a doctor.
Sometimes it also happens that parents themselves create a bad environment in the family, which breeds depression. In this case, quarrels, violence, irascibility, "shutting up" the child and parental aggression contribute to depression.
Symptoms of depression in children include mood swings, loss of interest, lack of plans, thoughts of escape or death, impaired appetite and sleep, aggressiveness, irritability, and a feeling of helplessness and worthlessness.
How can parents help a child? They should talk to him, find out the causes of depression, and guarantee their help. You can also give examples from your own life and talk about how they defeated depression. The child should be surrounded with attention and delight him with surprises, walks and gifts.