The birth of a baby is the most joyful and long-awaited event in a woman's life. But this joy is sometimes replaced by frequent worries about the child's health, fear for him and many others. These mood swings often lead to postpartum depression.

Postpartum Depression Symptoms
• Crying for any reason and without it.
• Irritability.
• Mood swings.
• Constant fatigue, decreased libido.
• Loss of appetite.
• Sometimes hatred of the child and family.
Whether all symptoms are present in postpartum depression depends on its severity. Over time, they can either disappear or, on the contrary, develop into postpartum psychosis. If you notice that hallucinations, delusions, a desire to harm the child and yourself are added to the above signs, then it is better to consult a doctor. Especially if the condition lasts more than 2 weeks or gets worse.
Causes of Postpartum Depression
1. Fatigue. The child needs constant care. Therefore, if there is no one to wait for help from, a young mother may lose heart. After all, you still need to have time to do chores and cook food.
2. Constant tension and excitement for the child. It is always present. After all, a woman is responsible for her child. She tries to become an ideal mother, but this is not always possible.
3. Appearance. After giving birth, a woman's body changes. It is not always possible to return to the former forms. In addition, due to hormonal disruptions, hair loss, the appearance of acne, stretch marks can begin.
4. Money. In a family where a child appears, money does not linger for a long time. He needs to be fed, and dressed, and bought toys and books. If the mother is on maternity leave, then she receives less money, respectively. It is good if the husband earns good money. And if not?
5. Relationships in the family. With the advent of a baby, they can change, because he needs constant attention. Often the opinion of parents in upbringing, etc. may diverge. Hence the conflict situations.
How to overcome depression?
Depression can go away on its own in a few days or weeks without any intervention. But otherwise, you will have to take some measures. You can seek help from a psychologist, perhaps the doctor will advise you to drink antidepressants. This is also acceptable when breastfeeding. You can try hormone therapy - you will be injected with estrogen. But you need to think carefully about the pros and cons of these actions.
The main thing you can do is get plenty of rest. Ask for help from relatives, husband, neighbors. Take a day off, chat with friends, tidy up, exercise, go to the movies, cafes. Do not feel sorry for yourself and remember that you will be fine!