A pregnant woman may think that her main task is to survive childbirth, and then everything will work out by itself. Unfortunately, sometimes after the birth of a baby, health problems only begin.

One of the most dangerous postpartum complications is uterine bleeding. It can arise not only directly during childbirth, but also later. Its reasons are manifold: premature placental abruption or retention of part of it, violation of uterine contractions or its trauma during childbirth. Women giving birth to twins are at risk. They provoke uterine bleeding and rapid labor.
Normally, bloody discharge should be abundant in the first 2-3 days after childbirth, then they become brownish, and by the end of the second week - yellowish, the amount of blood decreases. If, instead of fading away, the bloody discharge intensifies and acquires a bright red color, it means that uterine bleeding begins.
For any infectious postpartum complication, breastfeeding or expressed milk cannot be fed to the baby until complete recovery.
Another postpartum complication is endometritis, an inflammation of the uterus that develops within a week after childbirth. This happens to women who have had abortions in the past, have sexually transmitted infections. Other risk factors are an anhydrous period of more than 12 hours, a cesarean section. Manifestations of endometritis are abdominal pain, fever up to 40 degrees, chills, bright red spotting with an unpleasant odor.
An even more severe infectious lesion is peritonitis, inflammation of the abdominal cavity. It also manifests itself with high fever, chills, weakness, abdominal pain, and sometimes vomiting. Peritonitis can develop into sepsis - a general infection of the blood. Both diseases are characterized by a rapid deterioration in the condition. Both peritonitis and blood poisoning can lead to death.
In 90% of cases, the cause of peritonitis and sepsis is Staphylococcus aureus, a representative of the "hospital" microflora, which both children and mothers are easily infected with in maternity hospitals. It can also cause mastitis - inflammation of the breast. Most often, infection occurs through cracks in the nipples.
Some people advise applying ice to the chest for mastitis. This “treatment” has absolutely no effect on mastitis and can lead to pneumonia.
The first sign of mastitis is the appearance of lumps in the breast. It becomes difficult to express milk, and then it hurts, very quickly the affected breast increases in volume, turns red. Chills begin, the temperature rises to 39 degrees or even higher. With all these diseases, self-medication is unacceptable and even life-threatening, an urgent need to consult a doctor.
There are complications that are not so dangerous, but still require attention - for example, constipation. This disorder is not as harmless as it might seem: an overcrowded intestine prevents the uterus from contracting, and toxins can pass into milk. It is impossible for nursing mothers to take a laxative, especially without a doctor's prescription; constipation must be fought with a diet.
An equally common complication is hemorrhoids, which arise from exertion during pushing. Its first signs are burning and itching in the anus. With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a proctologist, because in advanced cases hemorrhoids have to be treated surgically, and at an early stage there are enough ointments and rectal suppositories.
Some women - especially those who have given birth several times - have urinary incontinence after childbirth when they cough, sneeze, laugh, or exercise. This is due to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. In this case, do not be shy or expect that the violation will go away by itself, you need to contact a urologist or gynecologist.