How can a young mother who recently gave birth to a baby find time for herself? When dad has a lot of free time or grandparents help, the issue is easier to solve. And it happens that there is no one to help. And the mother is mainly engaged in the baby.

Nowadays, there are many devices that can keep the child busy for a while, free the mother's hands and make her work easier. As a result, Mom can use her time more productively.

A sling can make life easier for mom, but you need to adapt to it. When you learn how to use it, you will appreciate it. The baby in it is next to the mother's heart. He is warm and calm. The child's posture is physiological when correctly applied. In a sling, a child can sleep, eat, and walk with his mother.
There are also slingo jackets. This is outerwear, where there is a place for the baby. Option for sling lovers who wish to carry a baby even during the cooler seasons.
The sling can be used from the age of one month up to two years. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates a child's weight limit of up to thirteen kilograms.
The disadvantage of the sling is that the weight of the baby is on one of the mother's shoulders. You can change the shoulders from time to time. But when the child already weighs a lot, the load is significant.
Ergonomic backpack

It has a lot in common with a sling. The baby is also close to the mother and can feed and sleep. Unlike a sling, it has a clearly defined design. If the sling can be pulled up, adapted for the baby, then there are fewer options with an ergonomic backpack. But this, as a rule, is not necessary. After all, the use of ergonomic backpacks begins from the moment when your child learns to sit, this is usually six to nine months.
The weight of the child also plays a role in the wearing restriction. It may vary in different models. Often a baby in an ergonomic backpack "rides" on his dad. The backpack can be worn so that the child is in front, or it can be so that the baby is in the back.
Its plus is that the load on the parent's body is distributed more evenly than a sling. The child's back is supported at all points, there is a special roller under the head, some models have hoods.
The wearing limit is the age of the child. Until the baby is sitting on his own, you should not use the backpack.

From six months old, you can use a walker. This is, as a rule, the seat in which the baby is half-sitting, half-standing. And in front of the child there is a table with various bright toys. There are simple ones, with wheels and buttons, there are more complex ones, with music and dancing figures.
The walkers are equipped with casters. The child, pushing off the legs, can move. You can secure the walker with special supports so that the baby does not go anywhere.
The task of the walkers is to entertain the baby while the mother is busy. The baby cannot be in them for a long time. Firstly, he gets bored, and secondly, the back of the child gets tired. You need to start small. For two to three minutes a couple of times a day, gradually adding time to the walker. But don't overuse! Do not use more than forty minutes in a row.

A child in jumper develops muscles, vestibular apparatus, learns to control his body. They have a lot in common with a walker. There are jumpers that are attached to the platbands in the doorway, and there are also swing-like structures that can be moved.
Their task is the same as that of a walker, to free the mother's hands for a while. You should start using jumpers from the age when the baby can sit on his own. For the smallest, you can choose models that have more supporting elements. Just as in the case of the walker, it is important to gradually increase the time spent in the jumpers, but no more than thirty to forty minutes in a row.

Playpens vary in size and equipment. But their main function is the same for everyone. Mom can leave the child there and leave the room without fear for him. The playpen is suitable for quieter children who can leisurely sort out toys in it. If a child is very mobile and requires that he was taken in his arms and walked everywhere so that the "picture changes", then he will not want to be in the arena for more than five to ten minutes.
Children play in the arena, while the toys are in one place. They can eat and drink in it, if mom gives baby cookies and bottles of drinks. The child develops physically, because playpens are equipped with devices for which the baby holds and begins to rise independently.
The baby can spin, twirl and roll over, while the parents remain calm that he will not fall. Its disadvantage is that it is not suitable for everyone, but only for the most diligent. In many children's rooms, the playpen turns into a toy warehouse as unnecessary.
Any device for a child is not suitable for everyone! It is important to find something that can help you.