Undoubtedly, it is nice to know that your loved one is bored and is looking forward to your call, arrival or just news. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes you realize that you are far away, and your man is not bored at all. In this case, it is necessary to make him think about you and wait for a new meeting with you, especially since it is not so difficult.

Step 1
Each person is unique, so the methods of influencing everyone also cannot be the same. Those actions against which one cannot resist will cause only irritation and anger in the other, and the third will remain completely indifferent to your efforts. Therefore, only you can know for sure how to arouse interest in your loved one. However, there are several universal techniques that are based on two key principles. The first is that you have to become that special for a man that no one else can match. Secondly, communication with you should not become routine for him, you should constantly be a little lacking. Your job is to deftly maneuver between these qualities, using both to make your beloved bored.
Step 2
Take care of yourself. Fill your life with useful and exciting activities, do not focus only on the man. Work, do yourself, travel, go to the gym, start painting or dancing - no matter what, as long as it brings you joy and contributes to your development. Remember that those who are not engaged in anything are boring and monotonous, you do not want to miss them at all, because communication with such people does not bring anything new.
Step 3
Get interesting. This will automatically happen if you start doing something. The circle of your interests will expand significantly, so any intellectually developed man will be drawn to communicate with you. A conversation with people of equal erudition is a very pleasant pastime that evokes friendly feelings, and subsequently deeper affection.
Step 4
Be elusive. Even if you were absolutely not busy with anything and painfully waited for his call, do not rush to admit it. Feel confused, as if you would like to meet, but the overwhelming amount of things to do does not allow you to do so. If you saw each other the day before, postpone the date for a few days, name a specific date, mentioning that you will not be able to find the time earlier.
Step 5
Be sociable. This does not mean going to extremes and dating several men, it just won't be superfluous if your chosen one finds out that other members of the opposite sex are interested in you. A minimum of specific information will arouse his interest even more.
Step 6
Become a beauty, because they miss the one they are in love with. A slender flexible body, shiny silky hair, light makeup, well-groomed gentle hands, expressive eyes - this should become a habit for you. Going on a date with your beloved, choose clothes that fit you perfectly, emphasizing all your virtues. Clothes and accessories should be simple yet feminine and romantic. A prerequisite is a smile, because a friendly facial expression will make even the most ordinary face attractive.
Step 7
Have more fun. The mood, the atmosphere that you create around you will make up the lion's share of the impression you make on those around you. Do everything so that in your society, a man feels at ease and free, so that each of your meetings evokes pleasant emotions in him. Try to tune in before the next date in a positive way, which your companion will definitely get infected with. Remember, if a man next to you rests with his soul, he will be drawn to you like a magnet.
Step 8
Be attentive to his activities and hobbies. Men are selfish, so their location is easy to arouse interest in their person. Find out as much as possible about his hobbies and try to share them. Give him a small gift that will remind him of you and the pleasant moments spent together.
Step 9
Become original, have traits that are inherent only to you, and try to connect them in the mind of a man with pleasant moments in your company. A pleasant aroma of rare perfume, an unusual decoration that carries a certain meaning, a beautiful melody.