In order for a baby to be born, the cervix must open at least 10 centimeters. The opening process causes contractions - painful sensations in the lower abdomen. This happens gradually, the duration of the process is individual, but it is quite difficult to miss the contractions because of their pain.

Step 1
Since labor may begin long before the expected date indicated in the exchange card, listen to your body, carefully analyzing new sensations. A few weeks before giving birth, due to changes in hormonal levels and a change in the position of the fetus, when he lowers his head down, false contractions can occur. They differ from generic short duration. The feeling of tension in the uterus may appear once or twice a day and go away after a few hours. Such contractions during pregnancy are uncomfortable but painless.
Step 2
Closer to the date of birth, the mucous plug, which closes the entrance to the cervix, may move away. Therefore, if you see small pieces of mucus interspersed with blood, be prepared for the fact that contractions can begin from day to day.
Step 3
The fact that the contractions will begin in the near future is also evidenced by the receding waters. If they do not leak gradually, but leave immediately, then their volume is large enough so as not to be confused with normal vaginal discharge. After this has happened, the baby should be born no later than the next day, either independently or with the help of doctors. Its further presence in the uterus without amniotic fluid is dangerous to health and life.
Step 4
It is not difficult to identify contractions leading to childbirth. If the time interval between them, starting from 25-30 minutes, is gradually decreasing and each time it becomes more and more painful, then it is time to move to the hospital.
Step 5
Don't worry about accidentally missing contractions if they start at night. It is impossible to oversleep the onset of labor, even if you have a very sound sleep. Contractions are painful enough to wake up.