The child's thinking is finally formed in late adolescence. During this time, the teenager develops mature thoughts about himself. The child thinks about his behavior, the meaning of life. But small children still do not know how to think. The task of the parents is to teach the kid to think.

Step 1
A favorable time for the development of thinking in a child comes after a year. At this time, the baby comprehends the world around him in all its manifestations and patterns. He discovers the qualities and properties of objects, studies and memorizes them in order to use them later. Further thinking, memory and perception develop from this subjective experience. Offer simple but fun games to help your child. At an early age, the baby needs various sorters, lacing, games with paired pictures. Such tasks will make the child think carefully, developing his subject-logical thinking.
Step 2
After two years, certain knowledge about the world around him, the experience that has already appeared, as well as the ability to draw conclusions will help the baby to solve more and more complex problems. Offer him constructors, mosaics and jigsaw puzzles with large details. During the game, talk to the baby, be interested in what he collects, ask leading questions. Of course, you will not hear verbose statements, but this technique will help awaken the child's imagination and logical thinking. Adventure games are very interesting. They teach the kid to navigate in space, draw conclusions, make important decisions and reason.
Step 3
An adult can direct his thoughts in the right direction, but small children do not know how to think purposefully. The ability to control the thinking process is fully developed by about ten years. It is important to teach the child to think not only about the task at hand, but also just like that, in everyday life, for pleasure. Then the baby will not be bored. For example, while walking, try to notice and draw the baby's attention to various details: the beauty of autumn trees, green young grass, snow patterns on the windows, etc. While reading a book together, discuss the characters. Invite your child to reflect on what might have happened if the character had acted differently. Imagine and dream with your baby.
Step 4
Try to teach your child to purposefully think about any everyday problem or task. When doing household chores together, think aloud. For example, let's say you are preparing lunch. Think about not forgetting to add salt to the soup, to decorate the salad beautifully. Talk about how delicious it will be, how your dad or grandmother will like it, etc. There is no need to talk about the fact that someone may remain dissatisfied. You shouldn't train your child to have negative, disturbing thoughts.