The child's transition from summer vacation to autumn educational chores must be accompanied by special parental attention.

Sunbathing and sea baths, courtyard and computer games, midnight bedtime and midday waking up - all this disappears along with the summer. Nature and civilization allow sufficient time for a healthy transition. Parents are already quite ready for the school year, children are involved in restructuring. And if important educational matters have many nannies, then sleep, of course, has fewer of them.
Sleep, sleep, sleep
Adjusting your daily routine is not an easy task. First of all, it is mutual. Adults will have to forget that the child “did nothing” all summer and “got enough sleep”. And if he is accustomed to getting up early, then "there are no problems." The student will have to come to terms with the daily early waking up and just as early, but already in the evening, compulsion to sleep. It is easier for all together to accept the school regime challenge than to multiply internal conflicts.
Sleep quality affects child's concentration and mood. It is directly related to the formation of the student's attitude to school work. More than a quarter of high school students fell asleep in class at least once during the year. The situation is aggravated by changes in nutrition and sports needs of a growing body.
Sleep, communication, electronics
A serious conversation should take place about the television and such electronic means of communication as a cell phone and a personal computer. Nobody belittles their educational value, beneficial brain stimulation. But the artificial light from their screens suppresses the hormone responsible for inducing sleep.
More than half of 13-17 year olds spend the last hour before bedtime for e-mail and audio-visual communication with peers. They really need to maintain constant and versatile interpersonal relationships. Many consider themselves obligated to immediately respond to signals and posts.
It is difficult to recommend the only acceptable way in which it is possible to train young friends to receive answers after sleep. Patience and perseverance will be the first assistants here.
The need for sleep is individual in nature, but in any case, depending on age and school load, the duration of a night's sleep ranges from 11 to 8 hours. There is only one criterion - the child must wake up vigorous. Experts recommend doing your homework as early as possible, avoiding coffee, energy, carbonated drinks in the evenings. Girls will undoubtedly look better and boys will become stronger and more courageous if they just learn to sleep properly.