The relationship is over or can't even be started, but the thought of it constantly haunts you. Most likely, this situation is familiar to most women. They go to bed and wake up with one thought - about him, the one and only. Of course, this only worsens your mood and spoils your nerves, so you urgently need to stop thinking about a man.

Step 1
Realistically assess the situation. Find as many reasons as you can why you don't need to be with this person. Remember and write down as many of its cons as possible. Reread the entire list. And you constantly think about this villain? Is he the one who keeps you awake? Have pity on yourself. Think that you certainly do not need such a person.
Step 2
Try to take every minute of your free time. Shopping, meeting friends, reading books, watching movies. Anything, just do not be alone with yourself and your thoughts. If possible, take an additional job. This will distract you from sad thoughts, and you will also get tired twice as much, so at night you will sleep, and not think about him.
Step 3
Find yourself a new hobby. It should be interesting and time consuming. If it's summer, take care of your garden or vegetable garden, if it's winter, start skiing or skating. Try to find a collective hobby so you don't be alone for a long time.

Step 4
Every time you think of him, do something unpleasant for yourself. Go washing dishes, dusting, chatting with an unloved colleague, or typing a report. Another option is to do 10 push-ups after every unnecessary thought. This will not only discourage the desire to think about him, but also help to tone yourself up.
Step 5
Have a new romance. After all, they say the truth is that they knock out a wedge with a wedge. If there is a nice man next to you, you are unlikely to want to think about the villain who "settled" in your thoughts. Try to communicate with men as much as possible. Compare him and those gentlemen who surround you. Surely he will lose on many indicators.
Step 6
Start loving and pampering yourself. Take care of your body: go to the gym, for a massage, visit the bathhouse or sauna, regularly do a beautiful hairstyle and manicure. Do not forget about regular shopping, because there is little that cheers up in the same way as another purchased blouse or chic shoes with dizzying heels.