Unrequited love, parting - all this leads to mental suffering, makes you constantly think about your subject of adoration. But you can't be in such a state forever, you need to try not to think about who hurt you.

Step 1
Make sure that all relationship with this girl is over, and she is absolutely not interested in you. You are unlikely to be happy if you can forget about her, and later you will find out that all this time she hoped that you would approach her and resume the relationship. Don't give up your happiness ahead of time. Only if you know for sure that the two of you do not have any joint future, start taking some action.
Step 2
Do not try to overnight all thoughts of the girl you love out of your head. Such drastic measures can help in the first few hours, but later all thoughts and feelings will rush with renewed vigor. It is very difficult to rid yourself of the feeling of falling in love, but this is exactly what you need to try to do, because it is the feelings that make you constantly think about it.
Step 3
Take all your free time. Minutes of idleness will surely bring you back to your love object. At work, ask the boss for an additional load, he will only be glad of such an initiative. In the evening, go to a fitness club or find another activity that is good for your mind and body.
Step 4
Try to draw attention to other members of the fair sex. Thinking about a new girlfriend will help you forget about a failed relationship. There are a lot of worthy and love-seeking women around, you only need to open up to them. The best cure for unhappy relationships is new love. Perhaps a new girl will be able to bring into your life something that you so lacked.
Step 5
Behave with dignity. Do not humiliate yourself in front of a person who is absolutely indifferent to you. Convince yourself that since nothing worked out, it means that fate saved you from an unsuccessful marriage and even greater suffering. Don't lose confidence in yourself. Good luck will surely smile at you, and that girl will appear who will make you happy.