Navel piercing is one of the most common types of body punctures, especially popular among the female half of humanity. With proper care, healing generally goes without problems, takes an average of 6 months and is rarely rejected by the body.

Piercing during pregnancy
If a girl decides to have a navel piercing long before the onset of pregnancy, and the wound after a puncture has time to heal, she does not need to fear for her health, the future baby is also not in danger. But there are also such exceptional cases when a woman suddenly decides that a piercing done during pregnancy is a lifelong dream that must be realized immediately. Such extreme individuals should take into account that in this crucial period, such interventions in a woman's body are extremely undesirable. A puncture made during pregnancy will result in a more painful and slower healing process. With the development of the fetus, the uterus also increases, accordingly the size of the abdomen will increase, the skin on which is stretched, increasing the diameter of the puncture. In addition, the immune system of the pregnant woman is weakened, which can lead to infection of the puncture site.
There is a common myth that an infection brought into a navel puncture can spread to the liver and peritoneum; there is no real case to confirm this.
Caring for your piercing during pregnancy
As a rule, a pregnant woman can painlessly wear jewelry in her belly button up to a maximum of 6 months. In late pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend that they be removed or replaced with jewelry made of flexible polytetrafluoroethylene and silicone, which do not cause allergies, do not reject and easily bend under the pressure of the uterus. There is also another good, but not so attractive way: a silk thread is threaded through the puncture and tied.
After removing the jewelry, you should take care of the puncture site with even greater care. This requires daily antiseptic treatment and washing with soapy water. The use of special oils and creams will help maintain the elasticity of the abdominal skin and prevent the appearance of postpartum stretch marks.
Those women who make a puncture while planning a pregnancy are most at risk of losing the original appearance of their pierced navel after childbirth.
A pregnant woman caring for a healthy unborn child should refuse any intervention in her body during her interesting position, and even more so refuse to pierce the navel. As you know, some piercing and tattoo parlors do not always comply with all the necessary sanitary standards. Unfortunately, the client will not be able to find out about this and protect himself in time, and the consequences of such interventions can be quite dire. There are great risks of contracting not only hepatitis B and C, but even HIV. The body and immune system are weakened during pregnancy, all resources are directed to the bearing and development of the fetus, so infection, inflammation and the development of infections are almost lightning fast.