Parents want their children to learn about the world from all sides. Books will always help in this desire. The tale of G. H. Andersen's "The Girl Who Stepped on Bread" and stories by Y. Yakovlev "The Flower of Bread", A. Nuikin "A Piece of Bread", I. Goldberg "Daily Bread".

Why is bread the head of everything?
People who were born and raised in peacetime, who did not know hunger and need, do not often think about the value and sanctity of bread. But the stories of the writers have preserved stories about this and the children need to be told.
The Girl Who Stepped on Bread
The child should read the tale of G. Kh. Andersen about a poor but proud girl who loved to torment insects. When she began to serve in the landlord's house, the owners reminded her to visit her parents. She went. But when she saw her mother with a bundle of brushwood, she felt ashamed that she was so tattered. And Inge left without seeing her mother.
Six months later, she was reminded of her mother again. She took the white bread that was given to her and went. She was wearing a beautiful dress and new shoes. When she met a muddy puddle, she threw bread under her feet and then stepped on it. And suddenly she began to be pulled into the ground. So she got to the swamp.
Where the bog woman lived was a very dirty place. The devil and a poisonous old woman, who really liked Inge, came to visit her. She wanted to make an image out of her. The girl, having gone to hell, saw the torment of sinners. And her torment was just beginning. She was hungry and wanted to break off some bread, but she could not move. She turned to stone, turned into an idol. Then she felt hot tears dripping on her. It was her mother crying. Everyone on earth already knew about her sin. People even composed a song about an arrogant girl who stepped on bread.

Inge only heard bad things about herself. But still, one little girl, hearing the story about her, took pity on her. The baby really wanted Inge to ask for forgiveness. The girl called her poor and was very sorry.
Everyone has already died: mother, mistress, for whom Inge worked. The girl who thought about Inga also became old. And Inge thought that a stranger loved her and cried for her. She wept, and her stone shell melted. The girl turned into a bird.
Since then, she has been flying and collecting crumbs. She herself eats only one, and then calls for other birds. She distributed as many crumbs as there were in the bread she stepped on.
A piece of bread
The story of A. Nuikin "A Piece of Bread" will help a child understand a lot about the importance of bread. It describes the case of a piece of bread lying on the sidewalk. People were walking by: young, old, children. One boy took and kicked a piece into the middle of the road. Suddenly he heard someone say about sin. I looked around and saw the old man. He looked left and right and quietly walked towards the piece. Then he carried him to the lawn, hoping to feed the birds.
The old man stood and thought about his hungry childhood, when even for the holiday his mother mixed grass or seeds into the flour. She worked alone, and there were eight hungry.
This old man knew the time of hunger, he knows how the bread was obtained. Picking up a piece of bread, he mentally bowed to the hard work of the people who grow it, and to the calloused hands of the farmer. For an old man, bread is a shrine, to which he will always treat with care. And he wants everyone, including the young generation, to value bread in the same way.

Bread flower
Y. Yakovlev writes about the great value of bread in times of famine in his story "The Flower of Bread". The boy Kolya felt hungry all the time. He ate whatever was edible. It was a hungry post-war period.
When my grandmother baked two fragrant wheat loaves, Kolya could not get enough of them. In his imagination, they were like suns that smiled at him. He breathed in the scent of the cake with pleasure, broke it off piece by piece and dreamed that good times would come. Every day he will eat such cakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This was the greatest happiness in his future life.

Then he carried the loaf to his grandfather to the apiary. He himself had already eaten, but when he came to his grandfather, it seemed to him that the grandfather should share a loaf with him. But the grandfather did not. Kolya thought that the grandfather was greedy. It turns out that the grandfather put the loaf back in the boy's bag and sent him home. Arriving home, Kolya saw a loaf and was stunned with joy. He realized that the grandfather was not greedy, but caring. He thought about his grandmother and grandson, while he himself ate bee water. She stifled hunger. Kolya loved and respected his grandfather, and he also wanted his grandfather to taste the delicious loaf. The boy wrapped it in a rag and put it in his grandfather's chest in the hope that the grandfather would return from the apiary, treat himself to bread and feel great joy from the bread satiety. This is the "journey" made by a loaf of the post-war period. In those years, bread was the greatest value.

Daily bread
It will be informative to read to the child about how people treated bread during the times of collectivization in our country. I. Goldberg writes about this in the story "Daily Bread".
Collectivization began in Russia, collective farms appeared. Polycarp worked on the collective farm for workdays. Grandmother Ulyana did not believe in Soviet power and Soviet salaries. She was afraid that they would deceive her son and pay nothing. They will remain hungry and without bread. Her son and grandchildren laughed at her fears and assured that grain would be brought in in the fall and they would have a lot of bread.
And that is what happened in the fall. Six carts with loaded sacks entered the yard. The whole family was unloading grain. When all the barns were filled with grain, Polycarp realized that the surplus grain could be sold. They began to count with the eldest son. We decided to sell ninety-five centners. Polycarp rejoiced and called himself a landowner.
For a long time, grandmother Ulyana could not believe that the bread was brought to them and no one would take it away. She rushed about the yard, trying to lock the gates and barns so that no one could take away the bread. She sat in the barn for a long time. At first she just looked at the mountains of grain, then she approached, touched, ran her hands up to her shoulders. She hugged and caressed the bread, absorbed the heady smell of grain, cried out with joy and froze. She tried to hide the grain. Typing it into the hem, I was looking for a place to hide it for a rainy day.
For a long time she did not leave the bread. In mad joy she muttered: "Khlebushko … Oppose … Daily bread … My dear Khlebushko …"

Polycarp saw that the old woman was mad with joy. He tried to take her into the house, to convince her that no one would take away the bread and that it all belonged to them. It worked. But grandmother Ulyana seemed to have lost her mind. She cried and lamented, shouted furiously that she would die, but she would not give back the bread.
Later, the old woman calmed down, climbed onto the stove and fell into oblivion. Father and sons sat and thought about how to dispose of the remaining grain.
Bread at that time was worth its weight in gold, it was a precious gift from nature and obtained by sweat and blood. Bread was the most important measure of people's lives. Everyone knew that if there was bread in the house, then life would be good and satisfying.