It's nice when you are taken care of and treated with cordiality. For children to know what caring and cordiality are, they need to be told about it. The stories of B. Almazov "Our Daily Bread" and B. Yekimov "How to Tell …" will help parents in this.

What is care?
They say about a person:
he is caring, which means he is loving and wants good. In our world, the concept of help has taken on a slightly different meaning. Most often, people began to pay attention to material assistance. But most often those in need need moral help. It can manifest itself in support, encouragement, understanding and attention.

B. Almazov writes about the manifestation of care and cordiality in the story "Our Daily Bread". Family: grandmother, mother and son after the war - returned from Leningrad to their native land on the Don. We got into times of famine, instead of bread, they ate quinoa cakes.
Once Uncle Yegor brought them four huge fragrant loaves. Everyone was delighted with such a generous gift. The boy really wanted to taste real delicious bread.
In a conversation at the table, grandmother was surprised that Uncle Yegor brought them bread, because he had five children. He worked alone on a collective farm, and it was hard for him to get bread. Uncle Yegor explained that he was given grain for his work days, and he was happy to share the bread with relatives who needed help. He especially felt sorry for the boy without a father who could take care of him. With these words, he touched the most painful string in the boy's heart.
The author of the story writes that he was offended and even hated him for these words. I also decided to hurt Uncle Yegor and put him in an awkward position. He noticed that his uncle smelled strongly of sweat and dung, and told him about it. Uncle felt unpleasant, he tried to make excuses that he was in a hurry to bring bread and did not have time to go to the bathhouse.
Mom and grandmother felt ashamed of the boy. They explained to him that he had shown ingratitude towards Uncle Yegor. After all, he took care of them, shared bread with them. The grandmother was upset, said that she had raised her grandson wrong.
The author of the story felt guilty, realized that he had done a terrible thing and decided to ask for forgiveness. Uncle lived behind a ravine, near the cemetery, and the boy was afraid to go alone. It was dark and cold outside. But the words of his grandmother: "He did it himself - correct it himself …" made him overcome his fear. He went to his uncle to ask for forgiveness.
The boy's heart sank with fear, words sounded in his head that he had disgraced everyone: mom, dad, grandfather and grandmother. But he sobbed and walked. He understood that he had to beg forgiveness from Uncle Yegor, tomorrow it would be too late, uncle would leave. At his uncle's house, a boy stammering, shouted: “Uncle Yegor! Forgive me! The author writes that at that moment he experienced deep remorse for his act. They later became friends with Uncle Yegor. But, recalling this incident, the author again and again feels guilty before the person who disinterestedly shared with him the most valuable thing - bread.

Ekimov B. "How to Tell …"
Life often fosters a cordial attitude towards people. People who have felt a sense of uselessness and loneliness often notice this in others as well. So it happened with the hero of the story, Gregory. In the spring he liked to go fishing to the Don.
During the war, Grigory was left an orphan, lived in an orphanage. He always regretted that he had no relatives. The man even dreamed of coming to his family with gifts.
Once Gregory, together with his comrades, went on a business trip and saw an old woman who was hardly digging a vegetable garden. The man was surprised that the old woman was digging a vegetable garden through force. He saw her torment. When Grigory offered to help his aunt Varya plant potatoes, he willingly agreed. Gregory could not watch this woman suffer. He saw that this work brought her suffering. When they came to the woman, she got scared and said that she had nothing to pay for the work. Then the hostess thanked them for a long time, and when she saw them off, she cried. Grigory remembered these tears. Then he came to her a few more times to help her with the housework.
When spring came, Gregory was not worried about fishing. He thought about meeting his aunt Varya. The man was surprised at his state, grinned at himself, but could not help himself. When he thought about a future meeting, he felt good.
Aunt Vary's neighbor asked her why she was so happy that God sent her such a golden man.

Then Gregory seemed to have forgotten about the distant village and the old woman. But spring came, and he remembered it again and did not leave his head. He again imagined how she was digging the ground with the last of her strength. It seemed to him that she was about to fall. How she toiled, Gregory could not forget. The voice of reason hinted to him that there were many such people, but in his heart he felt that he would not leave her, that he would come and help. The reason for the manifestation of care, responsiveness, probably, was a bitter childhood and the fact that on his way, after all, there were sympathetic people who showed concern. He was happy when a young sailor took them to the circus, and the controller, Aunt Katya, treated him to pies. Childhood memories helped him make a decision - to go to his aunt Varya. He wanted the old man to have no bitter days, so that she would be happy.
He did not even tell his family about the trip. Why did he do this? How to tell about it … And why tell … You just need to help the old man … Gregory made his moral choice - he helped the weak woman and continued to help. Even the fact that he kept his desire secret from his relatives, and the fact that he did not tell his aunt Vare the true reason for his arrival, does not detract from the highly moral significance of his behavior.
Having gone through a difficult childhood, the man retained a sense of empathy, retained a desire to help another. Caring for an old lonely woman became a need in his soul. Without this, he could no longer live. This became his moral tradition. And he dreamed of passing on this tradition to his son, so that he would never be cruel, but would grow up as a warm-hearted, caring person.