Cheating, as a rule, hurts painfully and gives a serious reason to doubt the sincerity of your loved one's feelings for you. If you cannot forgive him, you should try to forget the traitor and start life anew.

It is necessary
- - subscription to the gym or pool;
- - a ticket for a tourist trip.
Step 1
Calmly, without unnecessary emotions, analyze the situation: why did the person cheat on you? Most likely, he betrayed you because he did not value your feelings for him, did not feel strong enough love for you. Reassure yourself that the person who betrayed you once can do it again at any time. He doesn't love you - what else can you talk to him about?
Step 2
Remember all the flaws of this person. His habits that annoyed you, negative character traits. After all, he probably allowed himself in your relationship a lot of things that you did not like, but you tolerated. And this is how he repaid you for your loyalty! So maybe it's good that everything turned out just like that? This person is simply not worthy of you! You need not cry that your relationship has ended, but rejoice!
Step 3
Find a new hobby or business that will completely captivate you, leaving no time for regrets and worries about the past. For example, sign up for a foreign language course, go on a tourist trip, buy a gym or pool membership, etc.
Clearly establish the line between the past and the present, learn to leave all your negative experiences far behind. You now have a new life, and you will definitely find your happiness!
Step 4
Try to remove from life everything that somehow connected you with your former love. Make repairs in the apartment, change furniture, hide away all his gifts, photographs, etc. Don't go to those restaurants that you often go to together, get new habits. If you still have mutual friends, do not try to ask them about the traitor, about his current life without you, etc. Do not complain to them about him or about your fate, prove to everyone that you are a self-sufficient, self-respecting person and can calmly and wisely turn the page of life to a new one.
Step 5
Track your own thoughts. Working with consciousness is difficult, but very rewarding. Catch yourself thinking about this person again. Do not drive these thoughts by force, the result will be the opposite. Just watch for their appearance and presence. The result will pleasantly surprise you: you will realize that when you follow the thoughts that are unpleasant for you, they appear less and less often. To gain harmony and self-confidence, meditate, repeat life-affirming affirmations, and do yoga if desired.
Step 6
And one more important advice: do not rush to look for new love, put your thoughts and feelings in order. Trying to build a relationship in a hurry, in revenge for the person who cheated on you, you are likely to get new frustrations, because you will not experience real feelings. Give yourself time - let it take a few months, during which time the mental pain will subside. Only then can you think about trying again to find your happiness.