One small message of several tens of characters is a fast, but already somewhat boring way of communication. In order to somehow diversify it and not alienate the girl you like, treat the message you send with a little more attention.

It is necessary
Mobile phone with support for SMS messages
Step 1
The length of messages from guys and girls, as a rule, is different, as well as the amount of information inserted. Girls love long messages and warm words, but for guys, the main thing is to convey information. For example, if a girl writes a long SMS to a guy, where she describes in detail her feelings, and at the end adds “I love you!”, Most likely, the young man will answer briefly: “I love you too.” Often, girls regard this as coldness and lack of interest in her, although often this is due precisely to the psychological difference in the perception of information. It is on this difference that you can play if you want to please the girl.
Step 2
So, try to send her long, detailed messages. To the simple question "How are you?" you can answer much more than "Normal", especially if the interlocutor has previously described in detail her mood and how she spent the day. And more often write sms just like that, yourself, not in response to something, but just to find out how your favorite business is and to say how you love her. Such small signs of attention will greatly delight her.
Step 3
Many girls, though not all, are extremely sensitive to literacy, even when it comes to simple text messages. If your girlfriend is one of those, then you will delight her by sending messages without speech, spelling and punctuation errors. If you are in trouble with literacy, reference books and a built-in spell checker will help you.
Step 4
By the way, on the Internet and in bookstores you can find whole collections of beautiful and touching SMS for your loved ones. If your imagination is lame, you can use something similar. However, there are also girls who hate banality and other people's thoughts, but want sincerity from you. In this case, it is better to come up with beautiful SMS yourself, even if you are not too confident in yourself. Words that come from the heart are always better than quoting.
Step 5
Finally, be original. Many are extremely nervous if a text message, even from a loved one, begins with the words “Hello. What are you doing?". By the way, these questions themselves can be asked in a much more original way. Let's say, “Your significant other greets you. Write what you are doing at the moment in order to continue communication."