A bouquet is not just a gift. It is also a compliment to the recipient. A beautiful bouquet can express many feelings: love, admiration, affection, respect. Therefore, when choosing colors, one must take into account the age and preferences of the person to whom the present is intended.

Step 1
When choosing a bouquet for a friend who is 15 years old, it is most reasonable to focus on the preferences of the girl herself. If she loves, for example, wildflowers, then even a modest bouquet of daisies will delight her. If you do not know about the birthday girl's preferences, you should rely on the existing rules.
Step 2
Florists believe that a bouquet of white lilies would be ideal for young girls. Light colors characterize youth, innocence and purity. But when choosing lilies as a gift, it is worth remembering that these flowers have a very strong scent that causes headaches in some people. A bouquet of lilies can be complemented with other flowers that will match in color and shape. Red, yellow and orange lilies are in perfect harmony with white and blue colors. But it is not recommended to combine roses and lilies - these flowers do not suit each other. They look great together, but the bouquet won't last long. The fact is that the lily, which is in the vase, releases a special substance into the water. It negatively affects the rose and leads to its death. And the lily itself, in combination with the rose, will not last long.
Step 3
For a fifteen-year-old girlfriend, roses will look quite appropriate as a bouquet. But again, you need to give preference to light shades: white, cream or pink. More saturated colors are the prerogative of adult women. It is worth noting that you need to be careful with yellow roses. Although this shade refers to light, some people associate it with separation, quarrel and separation. Therefore, yellow roses should be presented only if the friend loves just such a shade of flowers. By the way, it is better to give bouquets of roses without a wrapper, tied with a beautiful ribbon.
Step 4
If you want to highlight the personality of your girlfriend, you can choose a bouquet of bright flowers. Gerberas or a mixed bouquet are well suited for this, to which bells, daisies or other flowers will also be added. The main thing is that they go well together.
Step 5
If a friend has a celebration in the summer, you can choose a bouquet of daisies or wildflowers. Nowadays, toys made from living plants have become a very common gift. They look beautiful and original; chrysanthemums are most often used for their implementation, less often roses. To keep the gift with the birthday girl for a long time, you can buy a flower in a pot. It can be a tea rose, which has a delicate aroma, or a violet.