The Eternal Question: Why Does Not My Mother Understand Me?

The Eternal Question: Why Does Not My Mother Understand Me?
The Eternal Question: Why Does Not My Mother Understand Me?

"Mom does not understand me at all, and does not want to understand!" Such complaints can be heard not only from adolescents, but also from mature people who have children of their own. Yes, it just so happens that with the closest person - your own mother - sometimes it is not easy to find a common language. This problem can arise for both daughters and sons. The natural question is: why, what is the reason?

The eternal question: why doesn't my mother understand me?
The eternal question: why doesn't my mother understand me?

What is the reason for the misunderstanding between mother and daughter

Any normal mother wants good for her child, so she worries about him, tries to warn against mistakes, avert troubles. If a woman has a daughter, the mother instinctively transfers her experience to her, concerning literally all aspects of life, including relationships with the opposite sex. For example, if this experience was not very successful, the woman is afraid that the same fate may befall her grown-up daughter, so she tries to control her every step, to be aware of where she spends time, which guys she meets, etc. Naturally, not every adult girl is able to resignedly put up with this. And she concludes: "Mom does not understand me, puts me in a stupid position, considers me a stupid girl." As a result, quarrels, scandals, and mutual reproaches appear.

It also happens: an overly domineering mother demands unquestioning obedience from her daughter, even if the daughter is married long ago and lives separately. She sincerely believes that her opinion on any issue should be "the ultimate truth." Of course, sooner or later the daughter will get tired of it. Not to mention the fact that the son-in-law is probably not delighted with such self-confident arrogance of the mother-in-law! Here is a ready reason for reproaches for misunderstanding.

Finally, we can talk about a mismatch of views, tastes, habits. In this case, everything can be easily corrected by coming to a mutually acceptable compromise.

What causes conflicts between a son and a mother

Some mothers, especially those raising boys without husbands, make a very serious mistake: they try to raise their sons as daughters. With zeal worthy of better use, they literally stifle masculine qualities in them: independence, initiative, healthy aggressiveness (it is good, of course, in moderation). It is even worse if at the same time they surround their sons with truly stifling care. As a result, the son may sooner or later "explode", rebelling against the mother's guardianship, which is simply humiliating for his male pride. And the mother, feeling offended and betrayed, sincerely does not understand what is the matter? She wanted the best!

A very common cause of conflicts between mother and son, mutual reproaches for misunderstanding is the notorious problem “daughter-in-law - mother-in-law”. Alas, not all women can calmly accept the fact that their adored boys now have their own family life, where even parents should not interfere.
