The relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law is an inexhaustible topic. Someone keeps neutrality, and someone has open "military actions" in the family. However, it must be remembered that communication with the mother-in-law directly affects the family life of the young. In order not to complicate relations with your husband, adhere to some rules when communicating with his mother.

Step 1
Keep calm and friendly. No need to try to immediately please the mother-in-law and become her daughter. Smooth and respectful communication will be enough.
Step 2
The easiest way to maintain a good or neutral relationship is to live apart. So you will remove most of the most pressing problems and everyday issues. You do not have to adjust to someone else's rhythm of life and feel like a constant guest in the house. In addition, two housewives in the same kitchen rarely get along.
Step 3
Try not to resort to the help of your mother-in-law once again. If you still cannot do without her support, then prepare to endure all the advice and interference in your life with courage. But before you get angry and challenge her criticism, think about whether it would not be easier to listen to everything calmly, and then do as you see fit.
Step 4
Pay attention to your mother-in-law: do not forget to congratulate her on the holidays and present gifts. It is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on buying a presentation, useful purchases and cute women's things will come in handy. Accept gifts from your mother-in-law with gratitude, even if you don't like them at all. Then you can remove them to a far corner or even throw them away, but do not complicate the relationship with your dissatisfaction.
Step 5
Be correct and do not talk too much, otherwise during a quarrel, this information can be used against you. Do not complain or scold your husband in front of your mother-in-law. She is still his mother and in most cases will take his side. Be smarter and more flexible. But praising your spouse from scratch is also not worth it.
Step 6
Do not set yourself up from the very beginning to confront your mother-in-law. It is quite possible that she will turn out to be a very pleasant woman. If you show tact and respect and build the right relationship, then over time, you may even become friends with her.