Unfortunately, there is no conflict-free relationship between children and parents. The most unpleasant thing about quarrels is the unwillingness of both sides to make compromises, so it is very important to take the first step towards reconciliation.

Very often, after the relationship with their parents has reached an impasse, people leave the house, slamming the door behind them. When serious conflict goes too far, arguments run out, and parents and children may say or do something that everyone will regret very bitterly. Such situations usually occur due to unwillingness to listen to each other, inability to look at what is happening from someone else's point of view.
Why do people fight with their parents?
Any normal person loves his child very much. Everything parents do, even if it seems wrong or unethical, they do with the best of intentions. The concept of the good for their children is very different for everyone. Often the basis of the conflict is the violation of the child's personal space by parents who cannot accept that the child has already grown up and has become completely independent. Many parents are not ready to accept that all the consequences of the decisions of an adult child fall only on his shoulders. And sometimes it happens that the idealized image of a child does not withstand a collision with reality, when a grown-up person acts contrary to the parents' idea of him.
It is easier for a younger person to take the first step towards reconciliation. It is very important to understand this.
How to make peace with your parents?
For reconciliation to take place as quickly as possible, it is the child who must take the first step towards it. Because even the harshest parent cannot resist a sincere and honest apology. You need to talk heart to heart, discuss all the disagreements, and do it right after the quarrel. Old grudges are harder to forget and forgive.
If the quarrel has gone too far, it will take more time for reconciliation. The child must show diplomatic ability to prepare the parents for a constructive dialogue, in which they can express their opinion about an uncomfortable situation as correctly as possible. In such a situation, asking the parents to put themselves in the child's shoes works well. They just need to think about how they would react if they were forced to give up principles, do things they don't like, do something against their will. By and large, such a request brings them back to childhood or adolescence, shifts their point of view so that they, imperceptibly for themselves, take the side of their child. In such a dialogue, it is important to convey to the parents the idea that all important decisions, choice of life path, making mistakes are a very important component of adequate personality development.
During reconciliation, it is very important to be as sincere as possible.
At the end of any such dialogue, the guy (or girl) is simply obliged to tell the parents how much he or she loves and appreciates them. Because in the end it is the emotions and attitudes that are important.