You were together. It was good for you. But the moment came when everything cooled down, passed. Or another person has met who has firmly settled in his heart and claims to be there for life …
What to do with those relationships that are no longer needed but are not over yet? How to proceed? After all, the other side still has feelings, is still attached to you. How to break this bond?

Step 1
No matter how sorry the person is, the relationship cannot be continued. Anyway, sooner or later it will lead to a breakup, but even more painful.
It is imperative to talk personally with the person (SMS and email are not an option). It is important to start a conversation with the good that was between you, with what this relationship gave you.
Step 2
The next step is the most bitter and difficult. Think it over carefully. As a rule, the following words are best perceived: “I feel that our relationship has exhausted itself, feelings have cooled down, and each of us needs to look for our happiness in a different direction. Yes, at first we will miss, but this is a habit, and it will soon pass. I know you well, you know me well, and it would be nice for me to see you as a good friend. I think we could be friends, right?"
Step 3
Of course, these words will not bring joy to the person, but they will help alleviate his pain from the breakup. He may react in different ways, but everything possible has been done on your part to sweeten the pill.
There is always a great temptation to simply say, “I love another, you are not needed,” but this can injure a person for life. Therefore, think about the feelings of your partner, even your ex, and spare them.