The relationship between a man and a woman is complex and multifaceted. Some couples manage to find their happiness. Others have to part. If a woman is able to analyze and even change a little, she is fully realized and finds happiness with her beloved.

How nice it is to live in abundance. Buy expensive things, travel to Europe for a weekend.
Does he make a decent living? - Perfectly! But this is not a criterion for choosing a chosen one. This is a material bonus to a sincere relationship.
Don't ask a guy about his family status or position at work on the first date. Mercantile spirit is one of the main qualities of a woman that repels a man. The time will come when he himself will want to spend his hard earned money on you. If, of course, she believes in your love.
Women's self-interest is manifested not only in finances. Solve the issue, fix the problem, fix it, bring it. Nobody likes to be used. Instead of feelings, there is overt calculation. Such girls, as a rule, remain at a broken trough.
Jealousy is a destructive feeling. It poisons relationships. Twitchings, accusations, scenes, tantrums infuriate him. Moreover, most of the suspicions are groundless. The reason lies in self-doubt, which, by the way, also annoys the man.
Do not press, relax, let him be a man. Remember: the more inhibitions, the more temptations. Take care of yourself, find something to do. Otherwise, he will freak out and go to another.
Sex blackmail
Partners have different attitudes towards sex. A man simply may or may not. A woman can always. And it is difficult for him to understand that she is highly dependent on her emotional state. For him, proximity is an absolute and unconditional concept. Therefore, when he wants his beloved, refusal because of “you didn't wash the dishes” drives him out of himself.
Do not confuse intimacy with everyday problems. Tell him about your displeasure, but only after. Imagine that he told you: "I will not carry these suitcases, because you did not iron my shirt!" Your feelings? Resentment, powerlessness. Then you will invite a porter.
Control and care
Why so late? What are you thinking about? No man will tolerate total control. To be successful, you need to be free. Not from commitment, no: from fear of not pleasing your beloved. The need to make excuses all the time, to explain or turn him into a "rag", or make him run wherever he goes. Who wants to come into a house where interrogation awaits you with addiction?
Excessive caring also annoys a man. He does not want to be the son of his beloved woman. At least at the beginning of a relationship. But if he has no choice, he will accept such a model. True, most likely, he will get himself a mistress, with whom he realizes his masculinity.
Low self-esteem
Think about how often, when meeting an interesting man, you catch yourself thinking that you are unworthy of him. A man never doubts his irresistibility. If he is interested in a girl, he absolutely does not care what kind of legs or hair she has. Until you yourself say about it: "Ninka has such a head of hair, but I have three hairs!"
Feelings do not arise for the oval of the face and not for body weight. If a guy is assessing your breast size, then he has other plans for you.
A woman with low self-esteem does not motivate her partner. She either initially finds a worthless person, or restrains the development of the strong, provoking him to aggression. In any case, such a relationship has no future.