Why does a man who spoke so sincerely and emotionally about his feelings suddenly decide to cheat? There are many reasons for such an act, and not all of them directly depend on how the relationship develops in a couple.

Lack of variety in relationships. If a couple has been together for a long time, then the initial passion gradually disappears, the relationship begins to resemble a routine. For many men, it is very important that bright, emotional moments are present in life. In addition, as psychologists note, a considerable number of the stronger sex are distinguished by romanticism, which they cannot demonstrate to their soul mate when the relationship loses its original emotionality. If on the way of such a bored man a girl appears who is ready to give him new impressions, agrees to go on a romantic date, and in the morning brings coffee to bed and does a massage, then there is a high probability that betrayal cannot be avoided.
Personality traits. Why is a man cheating? The fact is that the character and personality traits largely determine not only the choice of a partner, but also how easy it will be to remain faithful to your loved one. If a man is windy, frivolous, not ready or does not want to enter into a really serious relationship with a woman, it is highly likely that sooner or later he will decide to cheat. When a man has the so-called macho image, it is difficult to demand loyalty and devotion from him. Of course, even ladies' men sometimes fall in love, so much so that they stop staring at other women, idolizing their chosen one. However, such a situation, unfortunately, is quite rare.
Momentary weakness. A certain environment, any situations in life can provoke a man to change. For example, loyalty is often destroyed if a man is for a long time away from his beloved. Alcohol, some kind of relaxing or informal atmosphere, perseverance on the part of another woman can push a man to actions, which later he can bitterly regret.
Constant problems with the woman you love. Regular quarrels, accusations of treason, even which did not exist, conflicts from scratch - all this is psychologically strong and can be the answer to why a man is cheating. If a woman tries to restrict the freedom of her partner and control every step, then sooner or later this will lead to sad consequences. The overwhelming majority of the stronger sex react negatively to such female behavior. Due to the lack of warmth in the relationship, due to the destroyed harmony, due to the lack of sex, a man may decide to cheat. When a woman is distrustful of her chosen one, does not want to praise him for some achievements, encourage him, support, and so on, the man begins to feel unnecessary. Wanting to raise his self-esteem, relax, take a break from constant quarrels and misunderstandings, he begins to stare at the side, and then a serious threat hangs over loyalty in the relationship.
Desire to take revenge and hurt. A similar reason for male infidelity comes to the fore in a situation when a woman herself was not faithful to her chosen one. On the other hand, the desire to hurt may appear in a man who feels insulted, humiliated, offended. In moments of anger, irritation, any person is extremely difficult to control himself, there are people who, in situations of very strong negative experiences, completely cease to be aware of what they are doing. Impulsiveness, explosive nature - this can push a man to cheat.