The psychology of family relationships is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Many things, both positive and negative, have a certain basis under them, which encourages action. Cheating a man is no exception.

Society can call husbands cheaters and males, accuse them of betrayal for the first obvious reason. But not always a man goes to treason because of boredom or physiological craving for another woman. A strong half of humanity is not arranged like women, and the reasons for betrayal can be hidden deep enough, but still they are quite understandable and quite simple.
The first reason can be called the Oedipus complex. Everything is quite simple - a man who has achieved one woman will try to find another and beat her off from another rival. For some men, this need for the so-called battle subconsciously goes back to childhood.
The next reason can be considered the following. If a man was brought up in a family where his mother cherished and cherished, it is likely that the grown-up child will consider himself an invaluable gift. And not finding such an attitude from his companion, he will look for it on the side.
The third option is this state of affairs. If a man was able to find a companion with the attitude of the “mommy” to himself, it does not mean that he will not cheat. Most likely, he will cease to feel sexual attraction to a woman, whom he treats as a "mommy" and will run to the side to satisfy his sexual instincts.
One of the most common reasons is rebellion. Cheating a man is a kind of protest, a rebellion against female influence and dependence. For example, if a woman was able to realize herself more in life than a man, it may very well be that a man will start looking for a weaker woman.
The fifth reason is relationship crises. Cheating occurs in a relationship at a certain time. For example, in the first year of life together, a man begins to understand that he does not live with an ideal, but with an ordinary earthly woman, and begins to look for a new darling.