Women have long wondered why men cheat. Sooner or later, you need to think about it, because the dream of women is a faithful and loving husband. There are several reasons for cheating.

When a woman is asked, "What would you never forgive your man?" The majority answer that it is treason. And this is understandable. Many girls are afraid like fire that their man will lead a mistress on the side. Men understand this too. But they do. Why?
Let's take a look at five reasons why men are most likely to cheat:
- Not an act of love, but a physical act. For men, sex is simply the satisfaction of their needs. For us women, sex is an emotional return to our partner. Therefore, men do not perceive sex as something greater and great. They can also have sex, shower, and act as if nothing had happened. A man does not attach great importance to sex, which is why it is easier for him to change than a girl.
- Most of them think they can get away with it. Many men who have affairs on the side are sure that they will never be caught doing this. However, if he is caught red-handed, he will begin to make excuses and apologize only if he values you. Otherwise, he will simply explain to you that he does not need you.
- Family in his priority is in last place. It often happens that a man is dissatisfied with his life, his wife, his career, and therefore he can change. For a man who has correctly set his priorities, the family is in second place. He is happy with the position he has achieved, he is happy in the family and he does not have time and need to change.
- Your affairs and worries about the house and children have left no time for the man at all. Often men can cheat because the wife is burdened with taking care of the house, children, and her career. And she had no time left for her beloved and only man. If earlier, at the beginning of your relationship, you dressed up, painted, put on beautiful underwear for him, now you go to bed in a stretched T-shirt and with a headache. That is why a man is looking for "the same girl" who was at the beginning of the relationship on the side. Trying to get those impressions that he received at the very beginning of the relationship.
- There are a lot of women around your man who are ready to cheat with him. And indeed it is. Although you may not admit it. Most women themselves are ready to sleep with a man, although sometimes it happens that these are deceived women who did not know that the man is married. But in most cases, they know that the man is married.
The reasons why men cheat are different. But one thing can be said with certainty: "A man who loves his woman is least capable of cheating."