Most of the cheating arises from casual dating guys while they are somewhere without their constant girlfriends or when they have been waiting for them for a long time. And at this moment there may be a pleasant and sociable stranger nearby. A conversation can be struck up between them, which for a young man has no purpose other than to kill time while waiting for his girlfriend. And this communication can lead to the desire to continue the acquaintance.

When a young person alone attends social events, clubs, friends' birthdays, the gym, the likelihood of accidentally meeting the opposite sex increases several times. Your boyfriend does not even think about any betrayal, he just decides to keep up a conversation with an unfamiliar girl. This conversation can be pleasant for both, they can find common hobbies and interests. And I want to continue our acquaintance.
It should also be noted such possible reasons for a guy's betrayal, such as a serious quarrel with a constant girlfriend or when he ceases to see the meaning in a relationship with her. The banal unwillingness to make concessions and compromises in a couple can lead to thoughts about finding another life partner. As well as the fact that you have a different worldview, interests and hobbies, different goals in life and expectations from relationships.
To maintain a relationship and prevent a possible betrayal of a guy, you need to follow a few rules:
1. Do not make your loved one wait for you for a long time in shops, beauty salons and other places where you came with him, while you are busy there with your business.
2. Develop punctuality and show up on dates on time or only a little late.
3. Support your boyfriend in his interests and hobbies. Your boyfriend will be very pleased if you go with him and just be around while he plays football with friends, jumps with a parachute, etc. This will give him strength and self-confidence.
4. Talk with your loved one about what he wants from the relationship, from life, from himself, from you. This will help you better understand your boyfriend's worldview and meet his expectations.