When people just start dating, they are full of romance: he gives flowers, looks after, wears in his arms, she treats him tenderly and reverently, literally worships a man. But after a while, this attitude is replaced by the usual everyday troubles.

Step 1
There are several reasons why romance leaves a relationship. And the first among them is addiction. A person can get used to anything, including relationships. First, a man has to seek a woman, and she has to attract his attention. Courtship and gift-giving, beautiful outfits and delicious romantic dinners originate from here.
Step 2
In addition, the level of hormones in the first time after meeting just rolls over: a new person, new feelings, sensations, falling in love. Hormones literally take over a person, plunging him into euphoria. I always want to be around, to study each other, to try new things. Some problems seem small and unworthy of attention, the couple does not concentrate on them and does not find a solution to them, continuing to enjoy each other.
Step 3
Naturally, sometime there comes a moment of saturation, if not satiety with a new person. After all, it only initially seems that he will not get bored and the moment of complete recognition will never come. In fact, everything happens quickly enough. This is not yet annoying each other, but already dulling that enthusiastic feeling, which is called falling in love. This happens in the vast majority of couples, and when this moment comes, it is important to behave correctly in order to maintain the relationship.
Step 4
Emotionally saturating each other does not mean breaking up the relationship. It's just that during this period of time, young people begin to look at each other more soberly. They find that the person next to them is not perfect. Old unsolved problems surface and quarrels begin. In addition, that very addiction also strongly influences the disappearance of romance. You no longer need to seek the attention of a partner, because the priorities are set, the couple is officially formed or even married. And some put an end to this: if you don't need to work on relationships anymore, then you shouldn't put in any effort.
Step 5
This is a huge mistake of individual couples. Relationships require constant work, maybe even more after the disappearance of the first love. A sober look at the habits of a partner can completely deprive a person of their former mood for romance. And household duties will take away the last time for the manifestation of romantic feelings. Is it romance when you need to do your laundry, finish repairs, cook dinner. Young people invest enormous efforts in the arrangement of everyday life and they simply have no money, no time, or desire for romance.
Step 6
However, this should not be allowed. It is necessary, even with an effort, but to find reasons, desire and time to return the former feeling of lightness and romance. To do this, you can arrange dinners, come up with unusual entertainment, for example, hiking on the roofs, going on vacation, giving small gifts, leaving cute notes when leaving for work. You can think of hundreds of romantic things if you continue to love your partner, remember to take your relationship with him seriously, even when you are married, and remember why the relationship with that person is important.