Unfortunately, love does not last forever, and even the strongest relationships come to an end. The most difficult thing is for the one who is thrown - there is a feeling of universal emptiness and uselessness.

Left the girl? Don't get a fever. Analyze the situation.
If a girl dumped you because you made a gross but non-fatal oversight, then you have a chance to restore the relationship by correcting your mistakes.
In this case, do not lose contact with your beloved. Call her from time to time, reminding her of yourself, - perhaps she will understand that she has gotten excited and will knock on your door herself.
But if she realized that she had grown cold, the relationship for her lost its former significance, and is already looking at other guys, forget about her.
Try to mentally say goodbye to her. Do not throw away gifts, do not tear the photo - be that as it may, she was a part of your life. Just let her go and move on.
Everyone experiences parting in different ways: someone silently, retiring in their room, and someone, every evening getting drunk to the point of insanity.
Get distracted. Try to disengage from depressing thoughts. Take the new free time with business. Don't be alone with yourself; spend more time with your friends.
If the breakup was painful, then in no case should you remain friends with her. Stop all communication with the ex, her friends, relatives. Trying to maintain at least some relationship, you will only hurt yourself more, seeing that she is happy without you.
Deal with what happened after the fact. Expand your relationship to the smallest detail so that you do not make similar mistakes in the future. Negative experience is the best experience.
Before developing a new relationship, you need to understand on the first dates what the girl expects from you, what her life priorities are and what kind of guys she likes.
What guys shouldn't do after a breakup
Do not curry favor with the girl. All attempts to make amends, to atone for her with gifts can go to waste. And the reason for this is simple: despite the socialization of a person, people are guided by instincts. Women are always looking for a strong male who can subjugate her will, who knows how to defend common interests. If the man himself took a weak position, she loses all interest in him.
Don't get used to the person. Live with the thought that he can leave you at any moment - it will be easier this way. Don't merge with him on an emotional level.
Do not bore your ex-girlfriend with intrusive calls and "casual" meetings. Once she left you, it means that some negative image has already formed in her mind, which you only feed with your actions. The girl will return only to the guy who interests her.
Having a long-term relationship, many couples relax: they waste less time on their appearance, a variety of pastime. Dedicating himself to only one girl, the guy forgets about himself, friends, hobbies. As a result, he becomes gray and nondescript, losing glasses in the eyes of other girls. Take care of yourself, devote more time to yourself, your desires and needs.