Promiscuity is a sexual behavior pattern characterized by frequent sexual partner changes. People prone to promiscuous sexual intercourse do not see anything wrong with this, while psychologists have long defined promiscuity as a type of sexual disorder.

Is promiscuity a norm or a pathology?
With the onset of the sexual revolution, the world learned what promiscuity is: promiscuous sexual intercourse, frequent change of partners and entering into intimate relationships without love are no longer something out of the ordinary. If in women such behavior is still condemned by society, then in men promiscuity evokes only positive reviews. Often, young people even brag among themselves, which of them had more partners. So, if a normal man has a number of women before marriage usually does not exceed 10, then men practicing promiscuity may have 100 or more women. Moreover, as a rule, after entering into legal marriage, "macho" does not stop and continues to replenish his list. Promiscuity as a model of sexual behavior is characteristic not only of traditional heterosexual contacts, but also of homosexual ones. Moreover, among homosexuals, promiscuous sexual intercourse occurs even more often; in some individuals, the number of sexual partners can reach or even exceed 1000.
Of course, it is hardly possible to call such behavior the norm. Psychologists have long known what promiscuity is and refer to it as a sexual pathology. The difficulty of correcting this psychological disorder is that many patients do not consider themselves as such, referring their propensity to promiscuous sexual intercourse to character traits, lifestyle, etc.
Promiscuity: causes and consequences
Like all other psychological disorders, the promiscuity of the causes is very deep. One of the main psychologists is called low self-esteem, self-doubt, the presence of a large number of complexes. In this case, by changing sexual partners, a person subconsciously tries to raise his significance, to prove to himself and to others that he is attractive and desirable. Psychological trauma associated with sex, be it rape, unsuccessful first sexual contact, etc., can also lead to promiscuity. Many people who practice promiscuity regard sex life as entertainment, which is also not correct from the point of view of the human psyche.
Even knowing what promiscuity is, many do not consider this behavior to be something terrible in themselves. However, the consequences can be dire. Thus, the frequent change of sexual partners significantly increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. In women, unwanted pregnancy is possible, and, as a result, an abortion, which often leads to infertility. Also, the tendency to promiscuous sexual intercourse reduces the chances of building a normal family, which means that loneliness awaits a person in the future.